Hi Adrian,
Great idea in principle, and it would be nice to see everything in hi res jpeg detail !.....but everyone knows what a z32 afm look like (google it if you don't) and who wants to see what a standard exhaust manifold looks like. Unfortunately a lot of the forum users are dreamers having a little "personal time with themselves" and wanting pics too look at to fill in time. Sure their comments of "Good luck! I wish I could afford it" give you a free bump, but that's the type of bandwidth waste we want to cut out!. The great thing with the internet is the size of the market you can get too! but you also must deal with the unwanted extra white noise that comes with the www. Unfortunately, to buy and sell in this funky area we call the forums.... you have to be a little bit tough, deal with the dickheads and losers and even take a chance or two, because every now and then, you just might do business with a the core group of "realistic" enthusiasts that love these cars and engines.
Anyone else got some idea's or constuctive comments?