No longer needed, way to big for my room and over kill for my PC lol.. Only a few months old and in excellent condition besides the dust.
It has 3 HDMI inputs, perfect for your Foxtel, Bluray player and PS3. A single HDMI output allows you to only need to have 1 HDMI cable running to the TV, meaning you dont need to change the channel on the TV, all is controlled through the Sony Amp. Its total power hits a peak of 2012W rms and the clarity is fantastic even at a higher volume.
Amazing sound quality while playing online FPS games such as Cod, BF, Aliens vs Predator etc etc. Actually makes you feel like your apart of the war especially when something explodes next to you.
25cm x2 Subwoofer
20cm x2 + 2.5cm Horn Tweeter Front Speakers
10cm x1 Surround Speaker
10cm x2 + 2.5cm Horn Tweeter Center Speaker
$900 negotiable on price as i want it gone but i wont be accepting stupid offers as this set up is GREAT value for money.
Located in Victoria.
Cheers Sedat.