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Everything posted by Whiplash

  1. man i'm bored today, found a form of motorsport we can all do http://www.barstoolracing.net/
  2. lol i found this video through another forum today, i didn't realize it was already posted and put it in the SA wasteland. the second Saleen in the crash was a write off.
  3. was just watching some GT racing from OS and came across this video one F'ing expensive crash!!!!!! the marshals are also luck one gets hit by a sideways viper
  4. hi and welcome, hope you can find a car
  5. thanks didn't think of adam, going to show my ignorance again but the ozmail plans have a peak / off peak quota for the dl (below) peak + offpeak quota 2GB anytime does this means that you get a 2gig DL limit for the month? its on a 3000/1000 connection, it just seems that a 2gig limit is rather small for a connection speed like that. anyone had any experience with these? ozemail has treated us like shit ( upping the cost with nothing extra ect) and their lines are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow i have a 256 connection at the moment and dl at 3kbs.
  6. ? at the moment we only have a 300mb limit so we are restricted to that. However i need to have access to a much larger limit (approx 10gig) as i need to be able to DL beta copies of the software and products that i am working on. also the sister is getting into the mp3 dl's so she'll be doing a bit. found a few (thanks maxx) will look into change over problems ect, ect...
  7. looking for a nwe isp at the moment, considering the chariot connection $49.95 512kbs and 40 gig Dl limits the main problem is the "no connection fees" I am currently with ozemail, there is some problem between the two in which they can't churn my account over, there fore i have to pay 110 to re connect with chariot. Not sure whether this is normal but doesn't it go against the "no connection fee"?
  8. ok sorry steve i didn't read it properly
  9. depends on who's going maybe get a couple of groups in a cabin
  10. would you be free next weekend? if you are would it be possible for me to come out there, i'll bring some dvd's. I live and work down south
  11. R factor is free to Down LOad you have to pay for it when you register, I have broad band but my Ozemail account its really slow 3kb's and i only have a 300mb DL limit:( i'm just after the setup and installation files M8 you didn't have to DL it i was after someone that already had it
  12. does any one have the install files for R factor? i need to get a copy but my f&%$ing ozemail account won't allow me to DL anything that big.
  13. yeah i played the new gears of war last night ion my mates plasma (pioneer 42") those graphics are awesome!!!!
  14. yeah theres acouple up north cubes one on the way to claire as well
  15. yeah jarrad i'd be keen to do something around then, depending on available funds
  16. not that i know of..... they have employed all the members of the forum that i run (sorry not public yet) they saw our work and offered us the positions so i'll be doing a shit load more 3d modeling now
  17. wooohoooo it official i am now an employee of iDT game development. So steve i could be looking at upgrading the computer in around 4 - 6 weeks. also intereseted in one of those big monitor
  18. ^^ ahh yeah thats me i don't know much to anything about the parts and building computers. I just know how to use em
  19. adam your car has come up good, stands out. You planning on putting in a cage or something with the lack of seats in the rear. Is that blood orange? it looks alot like the ford colour
  20. nah i had my hat on all day, instead of the crappy ford / hyundai work uniform hats stuff em
  21. Whiplash

    Japanese Beer

    asahi is my favorite beer haven't tried the kirin yet will have to have a look for some
  22. I have had around 10 people ask me what SAU is today....
  23. hmmm i bought my current one 2 years ago for 1200
  24. you shouldn't need to take out the turbo timer just don't have it on as long as the car has been previously registered they will check the VIN, ENG no and build dates and compare them against the database to make sure that the car isn't stolen
  25. I happen to have a printer that prints decals they aren't the highest resolution but will enable you to paint the car how you want and then re decal the how it was originally
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