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Everything posted by DRD-00F

  1. it's a legit car though, even though I believe bentley sued them for the likeness.
  2. I'll briefly explain this, but if you have any follow up questions, do a search, there are THOUSANDS of threads on this... Basically, the ECU knows how much air is going into the engine from the AFM (Air Flow Meter), then it adjusts how much fuel to put in from that signal. If you have a BOV that vents the air into the atmosphere, then the engine thinks that all that vented air has gone into the engine and adjusts the fuel as such. This can cause the engine to run rich, flood, and stall, quite often! You'll notice it on decelleration and clutching out, like coming up to a set of lights.
  3. lol, saw it creep out of a resedential area of Turramurra... where I see all the super cars
  4. Oh yeah, and if that BOV is one that vents to atmosphere, then it's only going to cause you problems...
  5. yeah that sounds about right if everything is completely standard. Get a front mount and wind the boost up to about 10psi and you should see 170 or so.
  6. well the badges are definately Maybach. Unless you're suggesting someone somehow got a fake car into the country and complied it as a Maybach? I certainly don't think it's a knock off.
  7. SN33ZZ is Hempy's old plates, he got a new car and I don't think he kept him. Don't know the new owner... Spotted a MNP3 (? - was 2 or 3) R34 GTR at chatswood today Spotted Mitch Mr Moo, gave a wave, dunno if he saw Spotted Demir's R35 outside his shop after having an argument about wether or not he has one with a co-worker of mine
  8. Does this count?
  9. In a super secret workshop somewhere secret
  10. Terry, just so you know, I don't think we've put a thread up yet, but there's an AGM coming up next month. Perhaps this could be talked about there?
  11. Twin charged 2JZ The supercharger feeds into the turbo (not how I would have done it, but far less piping I spose) to minimise lag. and here's a pic of the turbo before it went it
  12. pic related, if you know what you're looking at
  13. Woops, sorry Chubbs! It was Steve0s thread...
  14. Kinda like Chubb's Unigroup thread? Nothing wrong with repping a workshop that does good work. I, for one, am chuffed just to have a dyno in hornsby! That is literally like 2 mins away from me
  15. Straight from Snopes http://www.snopes.com/horrors/mayhem/payphone.asp 'HIV lives only a short time outside of its host medium. Contact with an HIV-contaminated needle would have to occur while the conamination was still fresh to present a danger of infection.'
  16. copy pasta... I remember crap like this form '96. Worded pretty much EXACTLY the same... it even mentioned the cash things in ATMs... Just a little bit of anarchy for ya I think
  17. dude... you're 5 foot tall and 6 foot wide. You're covered in tats and you're in the army. You CARRIED my 650GSX motorbike onto a trailer cause the steering was locked... I wouldn't defect you either... Hell, I'm afraid to ask you for a cup of water...
  18. To be honest, I'm hearing more and more stories of police actually being nice to our kin, although all these stories tend to orbit around meet ups and what not. There isn't actually much driving going on when the police show up. But my point is, less and less people are being persecuted for just OWNING a vehicle, and more police are targeting people who are ABUSING vehicles. It's sad to say that only older people can curb the stereotype of hooning in these cars, that's saying that younger people (like myself) are already tagged with that label. I don't even own a working sports car, I drive a celica daily. Yet the moment I sit in something with a turbo, or rims, or that's a little low, the label is instantly stamped across my forehead, no matter of how I drive the thing. We've tried in the past to get people together to try and slay this dragon, and sometimes it's worked, for about a day... There's always some hoon video on ACA or TT the very next night, wether it be a 3 year old top gear try out video or not. The fact is, the media gets more media attention then we ever will. I would love to see some sort of gathering of older members to show the general public that it's not just children in these cars burning rubber, there's so much more to it then that. Unfortunately though, I can't help. I'm too young to be taken seriously, and I can see why
  19. I got as far as the link...
  20. Exactly that. I did it, got sick of it pretty quick, too much attention.
  21. Keep me clued in on how this goes and what's changed please I have to do an entry for the final in December and want to know what they have changed, if anything...
  22. Not really, but it happened none the less. He reminds me of Steven Bradbury, he might not be considered the best, but he didn't do anything wrong either.
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