Guys i am so sorry for all the missed uderstanding, my fone did not stop ringing all the way to newcastle. i had people calling me to wait for them asking me directions, people keeps stoping, half of the crew took off ahead, had to organised regroup, some missed the exits , trying to organiseed the sydney crew, central coast crew, and the newie crew, then had to oganised photo only one man i cant do 100 things at the time.
Some sydney crew stopped at the Twin caltex to meet the others and some were at twin shell also, we had lots of cars and we cannot fit them all, thats is why i have decided to just keeps going to to newie + little groups have organised to meet us there, + we were behind time as i have to hold the group back doing 80km/h on the F3 so i can wait for the others, i just wanted to get everyone together sorry if it didnt workout the way it did. I will try to make it better next time if you guys werent happy with this
Thankyou for all the ppl who listened to my instructions, Darko for helping with the photoshoot, for all you guys who paricipated, Sydney crew, central coast crew, Newcastle POLICE and the newie crew for being very friendly.