I forgot about this thread
A few months ago, due to the frustration of not being able to get higher than rank 2 on P8, I decided it was time to move on to Spyro...
If you're a fan of the traditional Spyro games, don't bother with A New Beginning.
You have to watch all the scenes, Sparks can talk (and he's a smart ass, voice is done by David Spade and is ultra annoying)
You can't find a fairy and save the game, you have to play the entire level all the way to the end, or you lose your progress.... which led to having to leave the console on when some levels took several hours to complete.
Spyro has some cool new moves, and can slam things in slow motion, but the new moves didn't make up for how shitty the rest of the game was.
Completed the whole game in about 20 hours, and didn't seem to unlock anything other than credits.
Very disappointed.... especially after waiting for what seemed like an eternity for another Spyro game to come out.