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Everything posted by SKY031

  1. "Warming the car up" is mostly just a habit that people have picked up from previous generations. People saw dad warming the old FJ up for 10 to 15 minutes, and they think that's just the way things are done. Welcome to the 21st century people. You are now able to get into your car and drive off straight away.
  2. How is the story is going to help in this case? If anything, admitting that the car was booked in for this particular problem to be fixed prior to being pulled over, is acknowledging the fact that you knew you were driving around in an unroadworthy vehicle, and continued to do so regardless.
  3. Lifters, Nissan. Workshops, check the sticky thread titled "welcome to vic" in this section.
  4. You'll find what you need to know at VicRoads info for interstate drivers Police have this amazing thing called technology. They use it to keep a record of licence & vehicle checks. The first time you get pulled over, licence details will be taken. They will ask for your address. They will ask how long you've been in the state. Regardless of who pulls you over next, they will have all the details of your previous contact.
  5. Price drop yet again, now down to $170
  6. bah.... where were these police on tuesday night when i was being kept awake until all hours by the noise of dickheads dragging up and down westall rd (plus 2 other main roads which connect to westall rd?) without fail... every tuesday night, and every friday night. If i wanted to hear cars drag racing, i'd go live next to calder park instead of sandown Nice statistic. .....but totally unrealistic.
  7. Interesting idea bwilkeson.. I've known bike riders who weren't even aware of "blind spots" which are suffered by people in cars. I take it that bikes don't have the same blind spot issue? These people were totally oblivious to the fact that people in cars couldn't see them when they were sitting in certain places. I also agree with pred about the complacency of people who have been driving for a long time, and people who think they are "good drivers". Driving is a constant learning experience. Even after 15+ years of driving, I know that I still learn stuff every time I go out on the road. Watching idiots do stupid things is a great education. It makes you aware of how dangerous and unpredictable human behaviour can be, and every time I see someone doing something stupid, it is a learning experience. It gives you something to think about, and helps you prepare a mindset for how to react in certain situations.. where hesitation, or having to stop and think about what you should, do could cause injury (or worse). It bugs me up the wall when people say "i learned how to drive in 3 weeks" .... well.. sorry, but if you think you can learn everything you need to know about driving a car in 3 weeks, you'd better get yourself some good insurance. Personally, I'd like to see the introduction of testing when people go from P's to a full licence. You have to sit a test to get your L's You have to sit a test to get your P's All you have to do to get a full licence is go 3 years without dying. It's ridiculous to assume that someone is safe to drive "unlabelled" just because they have gone 3 years without managing to kill themself.
  8. ooooh thread revival! B) I'm curious why so many people are nominating Dandenong as a bad place to leave a car. Which part of Dandenong? It's a rather large suburb. Is this in relation to shopping centre car parks, or the suburb in general? I've been parking in and around the shopping centre for 10+ years now, and have never had a scratch, or a trolley ding.... unlike Parkmore, where no matter how far I park away from other cars, they see my car by itself and think it's lonely, and come and park close enough to hit me. Perhaps Lilydale should be added to the list too?
  9. you could email them and ask
  10. Your time would be much better spent by familiarising yourself with basic traffic law first.
  11. You say that ignorance is worse than risk taking, where does that leave you? You seem to be under the impression that you don't need to pull over if signalled to do so by Police. ..... doesn't that classify as ignorance?
  12. An alarm is great..... if you're within earshot of it 100% of the time. (Or have an alarm which sends a signal to the remote, which is kind of pointless, by the time you get to the car it would be gone anyway) If you're going to outlay the bucks, you might as well go for a quiktrak system. That way you not only get the car back if it gets stolen, there's also a good chance of catching the mofo's who stole it.
  13. Have a read of the I'm buying a Skyline, what should I look for? thread B)
  14. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
  15. I've got a copy of this one (purchased as a double) If anyones interested you can have it for $25, if you can find it cheaper anywhere i'll match the price.
  16. Only if the dude from the EPA isn't standing behind you.
  17. It's just unfortunate that some people think that once they have been to school, they know everything there is to know. Same with driving lessons.... People think "I had the lessons, I know how to drive". Learning the road laws is easy. However, learning how to read what people are going to do on the road isn't something which is taught by any driving school or advanced driving courses, it's something which can only be learned by experience on the road. It doesn't help new drivers to learn how to do the right thing when the majority of people "do as they please" and make the rules up as they go along.
  18. make sure any cleaners are rinsed off really well too. It would be annoying to come out in the morning and find you have 4 tyres that have been eaten by concrete cleaner.
  19. God invented rental properties so that people could shit in their own backyard, then move along to the next place when the shit can is full
  20. Your local auto parts supplier should have a range of concrete cleaning products. I used one a while ago, very caustic stuff, did a good job of removing oil stains, but I don't know how it would go with rubber. (I guess essentially they're the same compound?) Hose the area, dump the powder on, scrub it, let it sit a bit, then hose it off. But if you're going to use anything like that, suit up well.. it burned little pitted holes into my leather work boots.
  21. Glad to hear that! Based on previous comments I want to pose a question to randominsanity73 about people living in communist countries. If everyone is earning the same wage, (ie; the rubbish man and the road worker earn as much as the doctor and the lawyer) which one is the better driver? It seems that by your way of thinking, if there are no class issues, then there should also be no car accidents in these countries. The issue of bad drivers in South Aus was raised, I have a little story about the licencing system in SA. My ex's brother had 16 failed attempts at getting his licence. They eventually just "gave" him one because they were sick of him applying. (port augusta) Surely 16 failed attempts means this person should never be permitted on a road by themself.. not handed a licence because they're a serial pest? Having said that, there is also the question of: How many people driving actually have a licence? I know of many many people who have lost their licence yet continue to drive, or drive without ever having obtained a licence. Then there is the question of the licence testing itself. When I took my driving lessons, the instructor only wanted to teach me what was going to be covered in the test. Each lesson, we drove to the area where the tests were held, and I was guided down one of 6 routes which the testers make you travel along. I wasn't taught how to drive, I was trained how to pass the test. There was no travel on any road marked over 60 during the test. No merging, no lane changing, no rail crossings, no pedestrian crossings etc. All I had to do was drive around some back streets and not hit anything. I found it incredibly amusing that part of the driving test was knowing how to operate the heater and the hazard lights, especially considering the vehicle that I drove at the time (Ranger) didn't have either of these Upping speed limits won't fix anything, because the people who don't know how to drive won't miraculously learn how to keep left over night. Lowering speed limits wont fix anything because people will still go at whatever speed they feel like.
  22. I don't see how I'm taking your comments the wrong way, you've insinuated that people who are employed in (what you consider to be) scumbag jobs are "stupid people". I didn't see any reference to politicians or accountants. The only reference I saw was to the stupid people who need to be able to get to their scumbag jobs. You say you have an IQ of 125, well that would put you in the upper percentile wouldn't it? One would assume that someone with such intelligence would realise that a persons profession doesn't have a whole lot to do with the way they approach driving, and simply because someone has a menial job doesn't mean they're stupid and shouldn't be able to drive. Perhaps if I wasn't one of the "stupid people" I may have some idea of what you were trying to convey?
  23. oh yeah.. i forgot about all the scumbags, where would the world be without those retards that remove our rubbish and build our roads. Believe it or not, there is actually skill involved in both those jobs which you just tried to belittle. I happen to be one of these scumbags, but just because I don't wear a suit and earn over 50k a year doesn't mean I'm too stupid to know how to drive a car in a safe manner. In fact, if you take a look around, you'll find that the majority of really crappy drivers are the people who are in brand new cars and have money coming out of every orifice. These people are much less concerned about their vehicle and the vehicles around them. They don't care if they hit other people, they can afford to fix it. They don't care if they get caught speeding, or parking illegally, their lawyer can get them off.
  24. I doubt it's so much lack of training, it's more a lack of common sense. I'd love to see the introduction of IQ testing to go hand in hand with licencing. Stupid people simply shouldn't be able to get behind the wheel of a 2 tonne lethal weapon. There is also the issue of multiculturalism, a lot of people who live here don't have english as their first language. This has to be an issue when it comes to reading saftey notices, signs, warnings, etc ....and while I'm here, I want to add more to my list of peeves about the way people act on our roads People who don't know how to read an arrow. (Main offenders are in car parks) If an arrow is pointing in a particular direction, the traffic is meant to flow only in that direction. People who hesitate. YOU ARE DANGEROUS! People who are first in line at the traffic lights, but would rather play with their doodle (or similar) than watch to see when the lights change, then they get pissed off when you beep them. People who panic when they see an emergency vehicle coming, and just stop dead, or do something really stupid rather than moving out of the way. People who have their stereo cranked so loud that they can't hear anything that's going on around them. (see above) People who don't pay any attention to traffic lights at all and just follow the flow of traffic, oblivious to the fact that the light turned red 10 seconds ago and they're about to get cleaned up by oncoming traffic. (I see this one on a regular basis) People who are turning right and don't pay attention to when the lights have changed colour and the oncoming traffic has stopped, and you're stuck as a sitting duck in the middle of the road with nowhere to go until the moron moves. People who sit several car lengths behind the car in front of them at the lights, blocking other people who could make their way into the turn lanes if the 'tards only moved up a few inches. People who feel it's their civic duty to sit in the right lane to make sure that nobody exceeds the speed limit. People towing trailers who don't tie their stuff down. People who have un-belted kids/dogs in the vehicle. People who allow kids/dogs to poke parts of themselves out of a moving vehicle. People who fling rubbish out their windows. People who have dangly/reflective things hanging from their rear view mirrors. THIS IS ILLEGAL FOR A REASON! People who think that a semi-trailer can stop in the same distance as a Barina. People who change lanes at traffic lights without paying attention whats going on behind them. People who change lanes at traffic lights and considerably reduce the amount of time/space that you have to stop. People who are don't understand line markings. People who change lanes in the middle of an intersection. That'll do me for now, but I'm sure I'll be back.
  25. If you're stating facts, then give some figures/statistics to back it up... rather than just commenting that all asians are bad drivers. That's no different to saying that all people with green eyes are bad drivers, or all people with freckles are bad drivers.
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