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Everything posted by SKY031

  1. That's what the feedback/bugs section is for ..and that is where it this thread is getting moved to now.
  2. try a search, this has been covered heaps of times
  3. $650!?!?!?!? Bargain! Cars are so much cheaper in QLD. Does the LSD still work?
  4. You know you posted it in here somewhere.. but where did it go? If you have lost a thread, you can find it by clicking the "My Assistant" link in the top bar to the right of "Logged in as. Select "show last 10 posts" to find your thread. If you have posted a thread about Skylines in this section, and were wondering where it has gone, it has been moved to the Skyline section. If your thread was in regards to anything turbo related, it has been moved to the "forced induction performance" section. If you were wanting to buy something, then your thread will have been moved to "wanted to buy" If you are trying to sell something, your thread will be moved to "for sale" If you are asking a question which relates to your local laws, eg: registration, roadworthy, EPA, numberplates, your thread will have been moved to your local state/territory forum. If you are asking about wreckers/workshops etc your thread will have been moved to your local state/territory forum. B) ~K
  5. I just found this thread stuck in the moderation que in the events section. I figured it would be more at home here, where everyone can see the pics. That's some mighty fine work Leon.T
  6. Roy, when you posted in there, it was sent to the moderation que. (both threads) It seems that all events which are being posted in the VIC events section are being sent to the moderation que.
  7. Yeah mine has also been broken since about 4 weeks after it was set up. (Must be going on a year now)
  8. Sorry for the hijack, but $250? Where from? The lowest i've seen around is $600, ranging up to $1100
  9. SKY031

    AM pedals

    are you trying to get your dads car canaried? oh wait.. it's only a commo....... go for it.
  10. Check out the East Bear ones available from http://www.powerplayimports.com/ in nsw. I've got a copy of the T-1 Do-Luck rear spoiler sitting here.... $300 and it's all yours.
  11. This thread is totally non productive..... and it's now locked.
  12. The govt wants to use it to enforce hoon laws? Maybe they should try enforce the "keep left unless overtaking" laws. Watching that clip, there is no reason for the road to be as congested, and the traffic as staggered as it is. If all the people loitering in the right hand lane didn't see themself as being above the law, it would be a whole lot safer for everyone concerned.
  13. This thread has run its course..... In the interest of harmony, it's now locked.
  14. Or check the directory.... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=24324
  15. Silhouette If you're after info on the R31, click here -(may take a while to load) You will also find a list of performance shops in the directory section..... organised by state. You can try contacting some of the local workshops to see if they would be willing to take you on, but if you think this is something that would interest you, maybe you would be better to look for an apprenticeship. Also take into account that the prices of R31's are dropping rapidly, and will continue to drop as they get older. In 2 years time, you will probably be able to pick up a fairly decent Silhouette for under $3000
  16. What happens when someone chooses to organise an event on the same date as an "official" event? (someone has to stir the pot)
  17. SKY031

    Forum Newbie

    Skylines Australia
  18. SKY031

    My Automesse pics

    can someone tell me what this is? I thought they were diamond studded mags, then i thought they were LED's, I don't know what i'm looking at here.
  19. Adzmax you raise the issue of "people not being willing to organise events". If someone wants to organise an "open" cruise, and invite everyone, how are they meant to go about choosing a date? What happens if the date they choose collides with an "official" club event? Non members have no way of knowing when events are being held if they can't see the dates. If someone organises a cruise, and the date clashes with something which is already oragnised, how are people meant to know? Do "non members" need to consult with committee members in regards to dates if they want to organise a cruise? I can see this being an issue some time in the future.
  20. SKY031

    Forum Newbie

    Hi, Welcome. You can visit an active thread on "places to buy cars" by clicking here There is also a link to some importers/car yards in the "welcome to vic" thread...... along with a whole bunch of other information..... Check the "auto links" section ~K
  21. Yeah..... was pretty good Long time no speak! Take care out there
  22. SON! Hello :wavey: Happy Valentines day for yesterday.
  23. I think the Endless is maybe the nicest one I've seen..... There are some more of my favourites here. Mostly nothing too special, but some of the wagons are :wassup:
  24. It's nice.... but I've seen nicer. However, that original pic, fwoar!!!! That's totally phat. :whackit: :wassup: :wassup:
  25. If you are a probationary licence holder, it is your responsibility to make sure any vehicle that you drive is not a high powered motor vehicle. The penalties for driving a high powered motor vehicle include a heavy fine, and may result in licence suspension. http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrne/vrnav....C900144F63?open
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