You know you posted it in here somewhere.. but where did it go?
If you have lost a thread, you can find it by clicking the "My Assistant" link in the top bar to the right of "Logged in as.
Select "show last 10 posts" to find your thread.
If you have posted a thread about Skylines in this section, and were wondering where it has gone, it has been moved to the Skyline section.
If your thread was in regards to anything turbo related, it has been moved to the "forced induction performance" section.
If you were wanting to buy something, then your thread will have been moved to "wanted to buy"
If you are trying to sell something, your thread will be moved to "for sale"
If you are asking a question which relates to your local laws, eg: registration, roadworthy, EPA, numberplates, your thread will have been moved to your local state/territory forum.
If you are asking about wreckers/workshops etc your thread will have been moved to your local state/territory forum.