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Everything posted by SKY031

  1. Read this http://arrivealive.vic.gov.au/c_youngGLS_4.html then this http://arrivealive.vic.gov.au/c_youngGLS_5.html and while you're at it you might as well read this too http://arrivealive.vic.gov.au/c_youngGLS_6.html
  2. I love the driver, looks like he's straight out of Lego land
  3. In an effort to try and help this along, here's a screenshot of what happens when I try and access the skin selector. I can't find any option in my control panel, the only place i can find an option to change it is at the bottom of the page, perhaps im not looking in the right spot in the control panel? anyway, here's what happens, the box drops down, but it's empty. (mozilla was doing the same thing, i've since upgraded to the latest firefox, and it's still no different) That probably doesn't help at all, but at least it sort of shows you what we're talking about.
  4. Sorry BB, but I did need that clarification from spin psycle I should have been more specific with my question, what I actually wanted to know, was "can i play my old psx + ps2 ntsc and pal games on a ps3" ......maybe i should just get the ps2 chipped, at least that way i can toss the psx and still play all my games, and then there's some space to fit another console.
  5. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=145637 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=144425
  6. You're wasting your time bacons, multiple people have tried telling Nth time and time again that there's no such thing, and that it's actually "type m", but if the information hasn't been absorbed yet.. .....I give you points for trying though
  7. so..... how does that work? can i play both ntsc and pal games/movies on a ps3? I'm probably going to get one anyway, I suppose I should go do a bit of reading
  8. SKY031

    My First Fine!

    If the speed on the fine is 69, the 3 extra kph have already been deducted. EG, he would have been clocked at 72 to get a fine for 69. If you have a full licence and a clean driving record, it's not a problem. You can ask to recieve a warning instead of a fine based on previous good driving behaviour.
  9. The radiators in most autos also act as coolers for the transmission fluid. You could probably get away with using a manual radiator in an auto if you hooked up an external tranny cooler.... but in a nutshell, the answer is no, you can't just whack a manual radiator on an auto
  10. You may want to revise the title........ Drag racing isn't illegal, and there are no steps being taken to make it illegal, in any state in Australia. Street racing, is however illegal. ..........but street racing isn't drag racing.
  11. ...which planet are you living on currently?
  12. If you ring them and say "I think I got my picture taken because i was speeding", ....that is as good as an admission of guilt. Wait until the fine comes. Don't pay it!.... once you've paid the fine, you've admitted to the offence. Your friend may decide to contest any fine, ...eg: it may be his first offence and he may be able to ask that the fine be reduced to a warning based on previous good driving behaviour, or there may be other circumstances (other vehicles present as you mentioned) .......and there may not be any fine sent at all, so it's best to just wait and see. If one comes, read the information on the fine, it will tell you what you have to do if you weren't the driver. Follow those steps. Good luck, and make sure that people drive safely when they're driving your car!
  13. Found and added http://www.trafficlaw.com.au/your.rights.html
  14. nark, I don't believe I misinterpretted it, he said they were asked to leave quitely, and the ones who didn't were mostly the ones getting pulled over. Being asked to leave quietly is way above and beyond any duty of care that the owners of the business have, they didn't have to say anything at all. What's the condition of the road? Are there lots of nice black tyre marks all over the road? ...Ash, I found a really good site in regards to vic motor law, defects etc the other day and i forgot to link it to the 'epa' thread, i'll have a dig around and try finding it again, I think a lot of people would benefit from it
  15. r32 gts-turbo, You must have missed the part where he said: Which means that people are "ripping it up on the road" as they leave, and are getting pulled over for doing so.
  16. Post #43
  17. Wow, look how many people are viewing this thread I have to agree with madbung... it was stated by someone who was in attendance, that people were leaving the venues and doing burnouts in the street. How is that "doing the right thing"?
  18. Personally I don't have a problem with actions being taken by Police in regards to this matter, as stated by others, they're only doing their job. It also sounds like the owners of Drag Tag have no problem with Police presence. Honestly what's the point of going to a venue to participate in burnouts legally, then sitting outside the venue and ripping it up on the street? That's not a matter of Police targeting people, that's a matter of idiots with no brains trying to screw things up for the people who are doing the right thing. I had no idea what this thread was about based on the title alone, so I decided to read it. ..... come to think of it, weren't you the Victorian moderator who started issuing warns for forum users who started threads like this, where people were complaining about being "targeted" by Police when engaging in stupid and illegal behaviour? It's a bit late to do a back flip now
  19. 12% is 6 people. Perhaps you should explain your feelings to the families of last years extra 12%
  20. Wow, people complaining about something, you don't see that often in this section of the forum! I can see both sides of the coin here, but again, instead of doing something about it, all that's going to happen, is people will complain about it on the net, and do nothing about it, until it gets to the point where people will stop going to drag-tag out of fear of being defected, and drag tag will close, or people will just go somewhere else to do it illegally. If people have such strong feelings about this, then take some action! When booze buses first came along, they used to set up just down the road from pubs. They're no longer allowed to do that, because it's bad for business for the pubs, and it was considered to be entrapment. Get the proprieters of drag-tag can sign a statutory declaration to say that actions being carried out by Police is causing damage to their business. Then get a few hundred people sign a petition to say that they have enjoyed participating in activities in a safe environment, and they feel threatened and victimised by Police when attending legal events in a private location, then take these documents and present them to the media and a local MP If a local MP is seen to be ignoring cries of help from local businesses, because they will lose popularity. No MP wants to be unpopular. .........or the people who have an issue with unroadworthy cars being taken off the road could just continue to sit around and complain. Complaing is much easier, so I'll let you get back to it now.
  21. Please don't multi-post threads, you only need to ask once.
  22. That's not so, in fact Victorias road toll is down 12% this year on what it was last year at the same time.
  23. The only people I've heard of having their filters fall apart when they wash them, are the silly people who try washing a non-servicable throw-away paper filter . Here's some info straight from the manufacturer: K&N FAQ Can I use anything other than K&N cleaner and oil? We recommend that you only use K&N oil and cleaner. K&N air filter oil is a compound of mineral oil blended with special polymers to form a very efficient tack barrier. We have performed tests on numerous oil combinations and our blend has the required properties for maximum flow and filtration. Petroleum products such as transmission fluid and motor oil will soften and destroy the rubber sealing edges. Our cleaner is a non-detergent degreaser. Solvents and gasoline will harden the rubber seals causing the filter to distort (shrink). A mild detergent can be used in a pinch, but care should be taken to fully rinse it out. Rinsing detergent out of a filter is similar to getting soap out of a sponge; it’s not that easy to do. Always make sure the filter is completely dry before re-oiling. Can I use compressed air to dry the filter faster? No, this can blow the filter material right out of the wire mesh and ruin the filter. Pick a nice day to clean the filter and let it dry naturally. Should I brush the wire screen with a toothbrush to get all the “crud” off? No, this could tear up the cotton gauze. Hope that helps
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