I was thinking that a group of 33's would be more like a pod (of whales!)
This is what the thesaurus had to say about a 'group'
accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, assembly, association, assortment, band, batch, battery, bevy, body, bunch, bundle, cartel, category, chain, circle, class, clique, clot, club, clump, cluster, clutch, collection, combination, combine, company, conglomerate, congregation, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, faction, fit-out, formation, gang, gathering, grade, league, lot, mess, organization, pack, parcel, party, passel, platoon, pool, set, shooting match, society, sort, suite, syndicate, troop, trust
Out of all of those, i like "passel"
I saw a huge passel of Skylines the other night.
It's different, and i can't say i've ever heard it used before, hence, we should claim it as our own.