Ambz, you don't need to associate with the likes of MCCR.
I have some unresolved issues with admin over there, and I am free to post, but I choose not to, because they honestly have no idea about anything.
One night a few of us went for a little drive, and we were literally terrorised by a bunch of cars with MCCR stickers on.
These cars were speeding, changing lanes dangerously, trying to run us off the road, and just making @ssholes out of themselves.
I went and started a thread asking for an explaination of the behaviour.
They responded by removing my post, and telling me that "if I have a problem, I should take it up with an admin"
Well, the problem wasn't with an admin, the problem was with the illegal and dangerous behaviour of the people involved in games at 80+kph on a public road.
I was told off for 'attacking' members, when all I was trying to do, was draw attention to the fact that people see them when they are out on the road, and people notice that they have MCCR stickers on their cars, and how the irrational actions of a few morons reflects on them all.
I was fobbed off.
Not good enough.
/end rant