Ozzy I agree with what you're saying.
See, the thing is, that age has a lot to do with it.
Most of the people who are being given a hard time by police are under 25.
People of the under 25 age group are also generally of the opinion that they don't need to do anything to become 'a victim'.
If they get pulled over once, it's all the fault of the big bad police, and it's not a matter of whether the police have a job to do, regardless of that fact, people tend to see themselves as a victim when they get pulled over.
I once got pulled over 3 times in one week, was breath tested twice in 2 days another week, and sure, it gets annoying, but thats life.
There is also the fact that driving is a privelige not a right.
If police are out pulling people over, then GOOD! That is what they are paid to do!
In the neighbourhood where I live, I certainly wouldn't complain about a police car following me home either.
I know that I'm going to get bagged out for some of my comments, but I really don't care.
It's all justified.