nollamarra mayte!! "ghetto" ---> tongue in cheek
let me explain.... i like the look of a bombed city. now i dont mean graf in every which way u look, but down laneways, on old buildings, under bridges on billboard areas etc... gives the city character (imo). with graf there also comes "ethics". yes even vandals have guidelines (as discussed above). private property and buisness property walls that back onto main roads/freeways are fair game (again imo) so im not gonna preach "no vandalism on private property". but what your talking about is pretty ghey i agree. i dont wanna get all technical with do's n dont's. i was just giving you my opinion on what i feel is the ultimate dont.... vehicles.
on the scale of 1 - 10 on the dont's i give it 10.
this world is not all black n white if you know what i mean.
hope that clears the mud that is vandalism a bit for ya.