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Everything posted by Adelaideprosound

  1. I beleive so. Yeh he has the NA 911 with 300 odd kw at the wheels, runs it on slicks on the track days does consistent 1.15, at the previous track day he managed to get embarassed by one of the bathurst guys who dropped the car down to a 1.13 after he let him drive it. Gotta say that dude can drive made me nearly peee my pants . So i kinda have an idea of how fast 1.13 in a GTR would be, thats an awesome time.
  2. You mean he hasnt shown you his Porsche with the factory cage in it .
  3. He organises the track days. Good lawyer good ol Aris. He is also the president of the odd lot car club.
  4. Bah ill take you on with my street tyres . Hhahahahahah only kidding, thats an awesome number champ. Bloody house renovations Aris asked me to come and i so wanted to.
  5. Not a problem my head, oil, water pump and radiator are on their way so she should be back to good as gold in a couple of weeks time.
  6. Ahhh yes a stock one does, that will help n unassuming driver. But mine has had a lot of suspension work done, and when u drive it and hitting corners hard it is like any other rear wheel drive car that the driver has to control. Attessa is useless on mine you can feel it trying to correct but it happens after i have done the correcting. Tell you what Dave ill let you take it for a spin just to prove to you that all that shit technical junk thats on it you might as well throw it out the window when your sitting on the rev limiter on every gear change. Now if Boostworx get their shit in order and give me my Supra back as i paid in full three months ago then i would be happy to take you for a spin in a car with less aids than a GTR .
  7. Mine has 315 AWKW on 20 psi with stock motor, and aftermarket garrets, Goes like the clappers when u wind up the wick above 4500rpm, but no wheel shutter as i re did the suspension and subframe bushes myself. Got a fully built head and 272 jun cams on the way next week, so should see around 400kw when shes done. But well done Bec, its your car, do what you want to do with it, dont let others tell you you should do this you should do that. Beautiful car i might add.
  8. If by aids you mean that you need a pair of arms to turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction of the cars travel and then applying slight accelerator pressure to overpower the cars direction then yes im proud of my aids . And ABS yes my cars plastic interior is made out of ABS .
  9. I used EBC red in my car with the original brembo brakes and they sucked for track use. I use the Kido pads at the moment medium range pad and they work great
  10. 315awkw at 20 psi with e85 fuel. I have a fully built head with 272 jun cams and tomei springs and valves on the way so with a pump upgrade should see around 400awkw with a slight increase in boost as i already have ball bearing garret turbos on it.
  11. Yeh this is the first track day i had to retire early. But the car has served me well so now i have to give her some tender loving care and she will be as good as new . Tell Slider we will have to catch up one day soon .
  12. Ill go out again in a couple of weeks and bed them in properly .
  13. Hahahah i knew someone was going to ask . Well Once the morning session started and the first group went i nominated myself in the medium group, so off i went to get the internal camera ready so i was busy mounting that, just managed to pull out the baby seat out the back when the medium group wstarted. So me not wanting to miss out, i went out without adjusting my tyre pressures or my coilovers, so went out in full street trim. Didnt do any of the preparation i normally do. So off i went the car sliding like on ice because of the lack of adjustment, so i was having to correct on every corner and power out of it with rear wheels spinning to keep the car on the track. Lets just say it was an absolute cop, so while i was struggling with the car i completely forgot to keep an eye on my water temp level, and after 10 laps i finally noticed the water level was flashing red at me as all i had time for was to look at the oil gauge which never moved past 107 degress celcius in between nearly killing myself down the back straight due to lack of grip. Then there was the brand new brakes they were ferocious as all hell locking up everywhere as i fitted them a few days before hand so they werent bedded in yet so it all added up. The car has never given me trouble before. and i do regular track days with the standard single core radiator, i guess trying to battle with the setup and waiting for some tyre temperature to provide some grip i had a lapse of judgement. So i tried to cool her down for two real slow laps, and she started responding but then when i drove out and parked the temp started rising and the radiator wouldnt suck the water back in as it was all in the overflow bottle. So i thought nah bugger it could be the head gasket so i packed up and left, as i was driving she kept getting hotter so i pulled over, switched the eingine off and let it cool down. In the meantime i checked my lap timer and i had a best time of 1.23.5 which i wasnt happy about i wish i could have improved on that with the correct adjustments but i spose its ok for street tyres. When she cooled donw a little the radiator sucked the water back in and i drove her back to the workshop where i stripped the coilpacks pulled out the spark plugs and did a comp test to check the head gasket. As it appears the head gasket is starting to show signs of wear so this is an excuse for me to install a new head with jun cams, an n1 oil pump, n1 water pump and a 55mm pwr radiator to eliminate any problems in the future. So that was my fun for the day.
  14. Pardon my use of French dialect but i cant help it, i seem to get on peoples nerves because i straight forward say what i think. My apologies if i offend anyone .
  15. What on earth are these morons on about. They dont pay registration to use their bikes on the roads that we pay for to maintain, and now they want to have a say about our road speed. What a load of shit. I see them down Anzac hwy every day riding side by side taking up a whole lane space and they have their own little designated area they should be riding on as its clearly marked. So if someone runs them over for hoggin the road then so be it as they cant seem to read the sign which clearly marks a bike lane. We have to obey road signs why cant they. Honestly it seems to be an unregulated area of the road where they dont get punished for doing the wrong thing. I remember being pulled a few years ago, by a cop and got fined for driving in the right lane on a highway even though there was no sign of traffic anywhere. But yet they can ride side by side hog full lanes, and then abuse drivers and tell them to get off the road which they clearly pay for if it doesnt suit them. top bloke bloody lycra wearing poofters.
  16. Or just go and grab a set of pads from a dealer locally that suit your brakes.
  17. Ring me man
  18. Yeh they are an OEM manufacturer for big name brands like Alcon AP and the rest. My GTR is currently putting out 315kw at all four wheels by the dyno read out the other day but i didnt have time to adjust the nismo fuel pump for more delivery. There is still left more in it. And yes the stopping power is bloody amazing light touch on the pedal during daily driving and i feel like im gonna fly out the windscreen.
  19. They are packaged in a box ready for sale Luke .
  20. I got suplied a full set of Kido racing front and rear brakes 380mm rotors for the GTR 8 pot front and 6 pot rear calipers. And yes i still have the 34 gtr and the Supra. Supra is going a ECU change as the Haltech will not give us any kind of support regarding their vvti on the 2j control and att he moment it doesnt work. So another ECU supplier is going to give us an ECU and help us make it all work. I had a 02 Laser but that was sold two years ago, i now have a Jeep patriot and a Dodge Caliber.
  21. I have my timer and on board camera, and 5 cans of e 85 thats hopefully all i will need for te day.
  22. I sure as hell hope it will be a go as fast as you can practie day, i hve to really wear the new brakes in and give them a good test an supply the info to my new sponsor.
  23. I really dont think that would work because some people may not have timedtheir laps. Normally on the days i go out on we just let 8 cars out on the track at a time and do 6 or 7 laps each, and then they get brought in.
  24. To clear the brakes if your Volks are the face2 design then there wont be any issues with clearance. As far as the hub deisgn since i have never owned an r32 i dont know. And yes you can fit these brakes to an R32regardless of hub design.
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