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Everything posted by RBWPN.6

  1. Hey u goin guys like the topic states a PS2 FOR SALE comes with one controller memory card (8gb) already been chipped 2 play burnt games and i have stacks of games here if u want.. Melbourne Based, Prefer Pickup to show that its in working condtion...Asking $170 the lot plus a few games included...
  2. AH damn this thing is hauntin me i got a ps3 and now the ps2 sits here ahah um dun member version but chip dosent affect dvd player and yeah works a gem ahwell have fun with urs if u want negames let us knw i mite have em lying around
  3. I got one here Chipped memcard controller and shit load of games make me an offer wat u rekon u wld pay
  4. Yeah im gonna swing suspension joint, car still drives and its only one side sounds like bloody popcorn being made crazly annoying!...and im not even sure wat CV's are sorry
  5. Hey i did a search couldnt come up with much, but i seem 2 b hereing a rather increasing knocking sound just from my rear drivers side tyre and its just come on outta nowhere regardless cruising or belting it she just gets a constant knocking...and sorta only came on after i adjusted my coilover on that side 2 match the other side in height coz they were abit off...nethoughts?
  6. Hmm thinkn runnin back 2 standard boost on the nite , dunn have a clue power havnt had it tuned or dyno'd standard 16"inch wheels and standard clutch...like it hits around 7 then the boost slowly creeps up 2 around 9 on higher revs 2.303 60" tyre pressure was around 28 psi for the nite from memory
  7. Hey u goin guys planning on takin my skyline back 2 calder this fridai nite went last time with 3"inch turbo back and front mount air filter ( no heat shield or cold air induction) and a boost controller not EBC ran a 14.3 at 100.2 MPH now i dont know if thats shit or decent or wat for a r33 series 2 was hittin around 9-10psi , now ive got a greddy profec B spec II in and a full 90mm cold air innduction ran should i b looking for better times? if so roughly wat with decent take off and gear changes
  8. Hey Guys just put a profec B into my Series 2 R33 with ur standard mods, exhaust,cooler air filter just wondering should i reset my ecu or leave it and does ne1 knw rough settings for 10 HI and 8 Lo Psi on this unit......thanks
  9. Hey GUys thanks for you reply im in process of buying one now with some1 thanks for ur time and efforts , sam
  10. Hey Guys after one of those cold airboxz for an r33 Gts.t if any one knws some selling one and will post or a performance shop that has them and will post let us know cheers
  11. Hey bro where abouts melbourne and wld u do it for $700 pick up..?
  12. f**k if there not sold in a months time ill take em off ya hands for $900 thats a bargin
  13. Hey GUys after a Mushroom pod HKS or Greddy with a SR20adaptor neone got one they wanna get rid of?
  14. Free Bump-I got a set if there the flex model there tuff as i got EDFC controller aswell cant go wrong with kantong...easy as 2 adjust and not bumpy @ all
  15. Yeah mines quite quiet and as for the silencer screw driver with handle in and yank thing came out and went flying somewhere ahahhah
  16. Hey yeah ive got a Turbo back X-force on my Series 2 33 ripped the silencer out has a good tune to it not loud , but catches the on lookers attention, and felt good power gain after bolting it on aswell, but then again ur car is diff but shld get a good bit of power out of it...
  17. Thanks Guys needed that help coz i herd u get more power outta it but didnt wanna go rip into my nice new z32 afm shit aint cheap ahaha thanks...skate safe every1
  18. Hey Guys couldnt find a thread for this one even though its prob around got my self a z32 and just wanted to know if the myth is true that if u take the mesh cover off do u get more power hopefully i used the right description for wat im talkin about taking off the metaly wirey stuff ahhaa
  19. www.myspace.com/rbwpn a decent lil reving and flutter...
  20. Hey Guys I was just wondering ive got a series 2 R33, just had 100k service done, ive got Fmic, standard Turbo, X-force 3inch turbo back and airfilter...i just bought a t03/t04 turbo, and im gonna get 555cc injectors,power Fc, z32, Fuel pump and then tune it run it roughly 14 psi what power roughly should i make?
  21. Have u still got that Standard BOV?..if yes post to melbourne?
  22. Hey guys im after a standard BOV for a series 2 r33...need the gasket inside im in melbourne pick up or post if anyone has a one for sale.
  23. Hey i got similar issues i think i got an xforce turbo back 3inch with hi-flow cat and FMIC and airfilter no boost controller gettin a reading of 12psi and car seems to not wanna rev past 5000rpm...nethoughts?
  24. Hey Guys just wondering if any one has a set of tein spanners in melbourne for sale pick up or post. Thnx
  25. Hey I was just wonderin if ne1 has standard series 2 r33 front Lip in white in decent condition and series 2 front indicators not neccersarily whole part just the clear indicator or if ne1 knows where i can pick up possibly universal ones.
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