After owning and driving many different cars id say every car has its pluses and minuses, i know the rwd skyline isnt the fastest, but its about what makes you happy.
Power level, whatever brings a smile to your face... And you can control the power with your left foot anyways.
Drive what makes you happy, im just under 300kw, would i like more sure, is my skyline a good daily, no. Its just my fun car, it can still scare me and thats what i like.
So 300kw on the street is fine, more would be fine in my fun car, but as a daily i would want easy driving in traffic and eaay to get in and out of, easy to park and not worried to park it anywhere.
Would i like a nice custom built 400kw daily sure, but being a bit meticulous id be always servicing it and worried about the depreciation of high ks...
For a daily get something easy and economical for your budget... Fun car can be any power level and any type of car...