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Everything posted by 75coupe

  1. I dont think op actually asked for any advice at all.. Lol just basically said hi... And the thread just went south, but then revived into lets help him with suggestions on first mods... Lol what a laugh!!!!
  2. non adjustable bilstein for way less than that, adjustable uprights are useless unless you know what your doing and have corner weighting and setup done right...
  3. hmmm by "good price" do you mean 'cheap'??? otherwise, MCA, bilstein, certain models of tein,
  4. Ok missed that bit, makes sense now
  5. Ive never heard the castor rod being referred to as a torsion bar, but i do think what your describing is the castor bushes leaking, post a photo to be sure
  6. I copied this from another sau thread after i google search this topic... Pretty easy you can get a pack on the wire stand at any auto store - even super cheap. I think they are 5/8" copper washers. I bought a pack of 3? a couple of weeks ago. But now im curious, if the car has no oil in it youll have to get to the auto shop to get the washer to then be able to drive the car, so how does someone tellin you what size washer it is enable you to drive the car to the shop to get the washer, why didnt you take the washer to the auto parts shop and tell them you need a replacement washer??? Cause someone telling you what size it is will not make it much easier to get there??? And you cant drive the car either way until you get the washer????
  7. Castot bushes are liquid filled, sounds like you need to replace your castor bushes, its quite common, ive done mine. You can either get aftermarket adjustable castor arms or get a replacement bush or a replacement bush that has slight adjustment, whiteline can supply the bushes. Read up about front castor to get more of understanding of what its for what it does etc before you change them out.
  8. You really need to think about what you want from the car, cause a car with 600hp (which is a figure you keep mentioning) wont be the greatest daily. How much do you want to spend? What are you using the car for? Answer these two questions and i think youll get more specific answers.
  9. Oh well ill wait for mine to go, every part wears out eventually...
  10. This whole topic just screams waste of money, sorry but i was young once and i spent money on useless items too but i didnt have these forums to learn from others though. Dont waste your time or money on this car, drive it be satisfied and save to get something better in the future.
  11. what makes you think the stock radiator will give in? what like, not be enough to handle the heat or just get old and not work properly no more?
  12. Finish off these clear lenses and get the e85 fuel system and tuned, but i saw a larger hks exhaust housing so tossing up putting that on for the new tune, perhaps not... Then get either half cage or harness bar so i can finally fit the takata harness i have and also a passenger rail so i can fit the other sparco fixed back i have
  13. This is the most stupid thread ever!!
  14. So your in the US?
  15. So on that site you posted they say they have front cf fenders didnt mention wider though, but if wider isnt that just an excuse to get cross factory rear wide fenders too???
  16. Having one for sale on the forums is what made me ask the question... And upgrading the housing when i go to e85 is also to save tuning cash hence why i ask that question. Thanks for the replies, but i must admit im still kinda confused, more boost isnt an issue if the tune is good, but less choking on the exhaust housing has to be good as long as minimal lag increase, e85 mid increase may cover that... Yep still confused... Thanks for the input though.
  17. Reading discopotatoes response confused me a little i had to read it three times to kinda understand it.. Im just thinking that at 21psi and 290rwkw if i can get a bit more top end with the larger exhaust housing with e85 it should keep the heat down whilst gaining a bit more...? So possibly 40kw us increase and lower exhaust temp??? Does that sound right, i have the larger injectors and rail ready for e85 tune, just thought while im at it go the larger hot side if im getting a tune? IWG for sure at this stage until i go a different turbo altogether
  18. Send me a photo of your car side on im keen to see what they could look like, and let me know if you dont mind what sort of final price landed these are... Im a sucker for cf, you know there are cf frknt guards out there too... That was my plan, cf bonnet, cf guards, cf doors
  19. Got these lenses cut finally, hopefully get them fitted up and have all clear lenses on my front bar, cant wait...
  20. Getting closer again, just got them both cut, give them a clean up and them i can ready the lens half...
  21. Are you sure the leak is coming from there? Why don't you just get the hose repaired? The leak isn't coming from the power steering fluid reservoir?
  22. currently i have a hks 2835 pros .63 turbo getting 290rwkw and great response on pump98, what kinda difference in response and top end would i be looking at if i went to the hks pros .86 rear housing but on E85. Will the E85 help cover the slightly less response of the larger housing? How much more top end would could i see with the .86 housing and E85 over my current setup? Any help appreciated
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