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Everything posted by 75coupe

  1. ebay manifold??? deustchwoeks injectors??? walbro fuel pump??? 40mm or bigger gate can you get anymore crap parts in one post?? jesus... oh and of course it just has to be a 35R and highmount to make over 300rwkw doesnt it, cause thats just so cool eh... total crap...
  2. there is so much to upgrade on an NA to make it turbo... if you are going to do it PROPERLY... you can do the dodgey thing, upgrade nothing slap a turbo on it etc... and end up with a confused car that doesnt perform anywhere near the effort put into it.... sell NA buy turbo car, save time and money, not one spanner needed... done
  3. only able to genuine ones??? for an rb30??? surely not... you can always goto a auto sparky and get him to look up in his book of alternators for mounting sizes and output. Im not sure about starters though...
  4. I wouldnt think so, but Im only guessing, imagine the reflection of lights at night, or even the reflection of the sun...
  5. why dont the black one come in 10" wide though.... arrgggh
  6. As Ive said lots of times on here, I run an atmo HKS bov running 20psi and my tuner didnt have a problem and actually said it held fine and had no problems with tuning with it, I dont have stalling issues... but thats on a rb25...
  7. and yet you used another emoticon.... geez your asking for it.... emoticons are so not JDM....!!!!
  8. Ban^^^^^^^^ for overuse of emoticons...
  9. if you havnt installed large areas of vinyl before or only done smallish stuff, then just get a professional installer, less headaches, easily a better result. a good installer will of gone to a course to learn how to do this, not just a day course either... if your in melbourne I know of a great installer Ive used for cars where Ive done large all over designs for...
  10. definitely a strange question considering all the info you need has been covered before... Are Rb30's Legal In All States Of Oz? a man who needs others to do shit for him is a man not able to do shit for himself...
  11. lol, a rear wiper being JDM, thats a joke.. its an ugly wiper get over it.... I want to remove mine too... plug needed..
  12. well actually no he couldnt possibly of searched otherwise he would of found answers to all these questions over and over again...
  13. 1. have you searched these forums first before asking this question? 2. people will flame you for the bov 3. have you searched? 4. most will say just get a high flow panel filter for the std airbox. 5. have you done your own research first? cause you wouldnt need to ask these questions had you done that FIRST!!! 6. Why a short shifter, is that to gain that 1/10s on your 1/4 mile time??? 7. if you buy cheap gear, you'll have problems and get a cheap result... 8. Did you search first? like really...?
  14. or red with black or white powder coat alloy engine bay cover.. lighter and its a colour, hmmm chrome red engine bay cover with chrome black cam covers... I like the engine bay covers, it makes a normal engine bay look special and custom...
  15. or with red... and oops I forgot the strut brace on the previous one...
  16. kinda like this.... maybe a tad more space around engine to allow for some movement, but this way it keeps the focus on the cool stuff and makes it so you dont have to keep all the wiring and hoses in mint awesome condition to have a wow factor bay....
  17. I think because there is some black in the bay, electrical and vacuum hoses, that the contrast of the blue isnt enough. so maybe reduce the black, easy way and cheaper than replacing or cover all of the tired look hose and wire coverings could be to use stainless steel sheet to cover all except engine, fuse box, air intake. that would make the engine the focus so any colour would 'pop', custom box, or arc intake box and cool fuse box cover. the only other thing you would see is the strut brace and possibly use some venting on the stainless covers to keep things interesting and functional heat wise perhaps... that would tidy it up, give it that custom show look, easy to maintain and nowhere near as expensive as colour coding or replacing a heap of other stuff... definitely have a wow factor when you open the bonnet... i'll shop it up and show u...
  18. the engine will need a heap more than some CF and a couple of parts painted to complete the over all pic...
  19. post a hires pic of your engine bay and I'll shop it with different colours if you want... thats what I did for mine and I had a thread here to help me decide, its not until you can see the colours together on your engine bay that it can considered the right choice I reckon... oh come on Zebra dont shoot it down... I want the chrome colour look.... Im gonna ask them how the motoGP bike fairs after a few race meets... I know the commodore drag car they have done the whole engine bay on in chrome hasnt been redone ever and still looks awesome...
  20. Whilst removing my oil cooler I had a mishap, one of the lines fell and used oil went on my clean concrete floor... very annoying... so I found a good way to clean it up.. this comes from the concrete & aggregates Australia people... (Im forget exactly their name) but anyway this actually works, even after a few days of it being there... obviously cleanup as much as you can first. then using 1 part lime (the powder not the fruit) and 2 parts turps make a paste. spread the paste over the oil stain on the concrete about 5mm min thick and cover with plastic for atleast 24hours scrap the the semi dried paste off and bin it then wash with soapy water and a broom or scrubbing brush. done, repeat the process if necessary.. I was surprised when this worked so well so I thought I would pass the method onto others...
  21. they are using those chrome coatings on drag cars and motorcross pipes, so I reckon it must be pretty good, even some of the professionals use those coatings like motoGP bikes and pro motocross as well as heaps of drag cars...
  22. thats the stuff all the show cars are using, even the EH that won street machine of the year... and it does get driven just not as much as a daily obviously... on parts that dont get exhaust kinda temps though its fine...
  23. Dont say candy, say chrome colours....
  24. that looks really well done.... let me guess your a panel beater or spray painter??? its just a guess..
  25. this VVVV or go translucent white over chrome with stainless/titanium parts everywhere for the ultra clean look...
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