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Everything posted by 75coupe

  1. what colour is the car? Do you have any photos? Do you have a sunroof? Please post prices....
  2. yep intercool surorund is way cool I want measurements to see if the 32gtr one fits??? wouldnt that just be magical... but the N1 vents, I dont think there is enought room to make em look good its getting kinda crowded and yeah theres just a reo behine them...
  3. quick someone measure it up.... I it would save me having to paint the inside of the FMIC intake area black on my front bar lol....
  4. I wonder if its even close to the ecr33 front bar sizing????
  5. oh matty you are teasing my CF habit to well.... tell me that intercooler surround fits a gtst front bar and me will love you long time...
  6. found this image of a r33 S2 front bar with N1 vents... for an idea of positioning
  7. hey cool... I found on just jap as well... sI cant believe I didnt know about these before... http://justjap.com/store/product.php?productid=18012
  8. if it looks fake he's doing it wrong pretty much...
  9. why dont you just take a photo of your car side on post it in the photography section and post a picture of the wheels you want and someone will photoshop them on for you... (I may even do it if I saw the thread, time permitting of course) it will be quicker than waiting for some with the right combination of car colour and wheels to actually see this thread, take a photo and then post it here...
  10. it kinda sound electrical to me if its not even trying to turnover.
  11. Id buy that as a car to strip personally... unless you can do all the cutting and welding yourself it wont be worth it... there was a thread on here about a build where an SAUer did exactly that and did progress photos along with it... Green gtst...
  12. yep, the stock std bar bought secondhand will pretty much do what you want...
  13. post some pics of your front bar so we can see how it looks with number plate moved... Ive never seen CF N1 vents...
  14. ok so who owns a built 26 red ripple finish with a what looks like a kansai strut tower brace...
  15. oh you cant be serious.... like really... your neighbour is as silly as you are, dishwashing soap and a hairdryer... its an rb26 as well...
  16. if it was a head gasket you could be getting oil in your coolant or some exhaust gas contamination... most mechanics can do a test on the coolant system to monitor what gases are mixed in there...
  17. oh please the suspense is killing me, where did you put the coolant benny...???? pics of where you put the coolant would make this thread work...
  18. bahahaha lol... Ok sorry had to laugh, but yeah where did you put it to make it do that, worse I thought I was going to read is that the car ran hot, but not being able to start it threw me...
  19. sitting a bit high perhaps, take it out and check it against the DIY photos for the 040 install... see where its positioned on the bracket
  20. sure but advising others thats a great way to do it... nah....
  21. nup still to close for my liking, I especially like the black electrical tape holding it in its 'safe' position... come on really you couldnt find a safer place to have them or is that all the hose you could afford...
  22. that exhaust looks dodge, get it done properly
  23. search and read, and if that fails ask, get flamed and learn the hard way....
  24. so normal r33 braided lines dont fit these calipers??? damn Im tempted...
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