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Everything posted by 75coupe

  1. why? really why do it?
  2. Is it just a fibreglass with a layer of CF or is it full CF, probably not for that price eh? I wouldn't worry about too tough myself... I'm tempted to replace my current fibreglass bonnet with this one...
  3. sway bars are the best and cheapest change you can make to your suspension for sure, I love my adjustable whitelines...
  4. as a tip any sign shop can do it easily, you can get them the brembo logo of a website called www.brandsoftheworld.com which will be in a format they can cut easily... It would probably work out cheaper faster to talk to a sign shop in your area than to get one from another state...
  5. maybe Uras since thats a sponsor...
  6. Yep the king springs will lower you by at least 25mm, and you will need the camber adjusted using whiteline upper arm offset bushes or another method, you will lose rear grip until its done. then if you do all of that and not change the shocks you will have dead shocks fairly soon, they're already old. If you do the upper arm bush install yourself you can save some money, take out arms give to suspension dude to take out factory bushes and put in new bushes following instructions reinstall then get an alignment I save at least $100 doing that part myself. Sway install you can do yourself. Secondhand but fairly new lower springs I got for $150 brand new bilstein shocks I got for $650 so you can do it on the cheap if you hunt around and be patient.. adjustable sways are a must... Yeah your car already looks lower than standard.
  7. +15 offset, 10in wide, will go a fair bit outside of your guard, you would need to add almost 15mm of guard surely.... that's with out thinking about the tyre or rim rubbing the upright... What width fronts? How low are you?
  8. I did a plastic model r32 gtr in maroon over black... looked alright... a bit small though
  9. What weight oil are you using? Have you changed it recently?
  10. Are you using the right bolts in the right places? as I know when I was installing my bride rail there were alot of bolts and they all fitted in specific holes for a reason...
  11. so your seat bracket is hitting the rail sliding lever? Move your seat back a little, would that fix it...?
  12. same stud pattern, look at the offset though... Googles your friend
  13. Whiteline now have an online shop on their website as well...
  14. Even though I would love to say go for vinyl cut just to show that vinyl can do it, I would suggest going for a nissan one as well... It will look the shit and you don't have to worry about polish going over it whereas when you polish and have vinyl you need to tape off the edges so polish doesn't get stuck in the ridge... Vinyl is the greatest stuff just no the 'perfect' thing for a factory sticker
  15. SydneyKids prices are less than retail, what more can you ask for... And the group buy has more adjustment than the standard whiteline sways and bilsteins. If your buying less than his prices on whiteline gear then I'm sure whiteline or their distributors don't know about it... I didn't get the group buy gear (I do run whiteline parts and bilsteins though) and have never bought anything off SydneyKid but hell if I'm gonna knock him after all the work he has put into it. So easy to sit in front of a computer and knock people isn't it...
  16. There was someone selling some of it that was leftovers, in the for sales section maybe he can shed some light on it for you, sorry can't remember who it was but its an idea....
  17. Thanks for the pointers I reckon as you say I should learn how to use a multimeter to its full capacity and I love being able to diagnose problems, this is as good a time as any to start learning electric stuff... I'll give it a go over the weekend and report back, thanks for your posts most helpful, I like to learn...
  18. Its a brand new century battery, the sparky said he put a truck battery in it to 'Test' battery and it was being drained as well... Maybe I should take it to a proper Auto Electrician? Me being crap with electrics, can a multimeter tell me the current draw?
  19. He did do a reading of current being drawn, said he tracked it down to the dwell module, I suggested the alarm as thats what I thought it would of been, but he's the 'Professional' Its a satellite tracker alarm of some sort... I'll see how it goes, but if its still alive after a week alls good, but I don't think I will go back to him if its dead again, especially after $200 and no joy. ho long should a battery be able to keep charge for anyway, I've left other cars for weeks and all has been fine, but not the skyline, well at least not lately...
  20. Gibbens Rd dude at Gosford is great... and if he can't fix it he don't charge you for havin a go... He fix my last set, spun all four and a bit of welding for $200...
  21. would be cheaper to get one made for sure, but it won't be a transfer like the factory one, it will most probably have to be vinyl cut.
  22. There are a few threads about this info already such... Rim Repairs in Sydney If you search rather than start new threads we can keep all the info on one subject in one place, which in turn can help others in the future as well... Its all good...
  23. Post up pics when done of course... Hope it all goes well... It should at least clean up the now aging seats in 32s & 33s. you never know, you may convert me into liking leatherette and non standard interior colours.
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