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About strutto

  • Birthday 29/09/1976

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  • Location
    Gold Coast

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  1. All is well in the "Magical Land of Strutto"... OK I'm going now. I'll be back in a year or two!
  2. 0ld sk00l... /tips hat to jishwa and col
  3. ... and I'm spent ...
  4. PAGE!
  5. Plop
  6. OMFG they are still a bunch of freaks... Good find Dan... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...c=63060&hl=
  7. Be a man Smooth - take the pain! I still have my 4 wis teeth and my old mans a dentist!!! July sounds tops btw...
  8. MJ is still about... Who remembers the "gunna be twin turbo next week mate" Falcon and his "show" at BP Coomera? PS I'd pay to see Blacky on the road again John!
  9. Count me in... + $1 standard unleaded for Ska...
  10. Mmmmmm... Interesting... What's this thread about anyway?
  11. Bikie life is great... $$$ though... 4 front tyres + 5 rear tyres / 12 months = ~$200/month in tyres...
  12. I've lived in Rockhampton Cyrus... Your life stopped the minute you got there...
  13. Whoa flashback!
  14. It's a SEDAN farkin!
  15. Something like that FWIW, it's nobodys choice about what can be posted or not other than Christian's... It's his site, his rules, and not a democracy... And he says no negative comments about businesses. <--fullstop So get over yourselves... Ahh that felt good... /me goes and hides again...
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