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About Samon

  • Birthday 04/10/1986

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    Melbourne, Eastern Suburbs

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    R33 GTS+T
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  1. I returned the water via the stock fitting into the block (just had a blanking bolt in there, but was actually drilled/tapped right through already). For the oil return I tee'd into the head oil drain. As for reliability, turbo went on in mid-2009, still going strong Haven't actually ever had it on the dyno, so no idea what power figures it's putting out, but sees 10PSI all day long without an issue (running an eManage Gold piggyback). That said, it doesn't actually get driven much these days, so it's only done a little under 50,000kms in that time, and very little track work.
  2. Hi VultureMotorsport, Can I please get a price on a set of something around the 550cc mark (or a little bigger) which will be a drop-in replacement on the stock R33 gts-t rail (side-feed)? Also, for comparison, can I get a price on something around the 750cc range and the 1200cc range? Cheers, Samon.
  3. Samon

    Daily Drivers

    I'm with Shannons, and back when I had two cars, I had the R33 insured as an 'occasional use' vehicle and the Lancer as 'daily use' - dropped the combined insurance cost to not a lot more than just insuring the Skyline by itself. There was no auditing of the 'restrictions' of each vehicle's use (i.e. number of days/kms per week), I guess it comes down to an honesty policy and the fact that you can't be driving both at once, so the chances of an accident/claim aren't actually doubled... Rego on the other hand... yeah that does suck... unless your non-daily is old enough to qualify for club rego...
  4. I wouldn't say "the same", but "interchangeable" - yep. Personally I think the Series 1 fascia looks better, less 'bulgy', and the plastic (once you strip off the horrible rubber stuff) is nicer, but this was what I could find when I needed one, so that's what I've got now
  5. Okay - to answer my own question, it fits just fine.
  6. Assuming this is a response to my post above - I only swapped the dash surround, i.e. the fascia that surrounds the climate control, headunit, mirror controls and cluster, not the cluster itself.
  7. Just to answer my own question - yep, it fits fine
  8. Hey guys, As the title suggests, wanting to know if the dash surround/fascia from a series 2 R33 is a direct fit into a series 1? Looking at pictures they appear to be slightly different shapes, so I assume they aren't interchangeable, but wanting to know if anyone has done the swap (either direction)... Series 1: Series 2:
  9. Do you know if the dash surround (http://www.sau.com.au/forums/uploads/monthly_01_2016/post-142248-0-40030900-1453454029.jpeg) is a direct fit for a GTS-t?
  10. Again with the resurrecting of an ancient thread... but does the dash surround from an R33 GTR fit into a GTS-t?
  11. How 'low' would this hang on a moderately low 33?
  12. Bump... where abouts are you located?
  13. Can someone please run mine, ECR33-022795? My copy of FAST is coming up with 'Model series can not be found for this VIN'. Thanks!
  14. Interested in the seats... where are you located?
  15. Didn't, but the title states 'Full Series 2 Interior' so figure it was worth a try!
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