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Everything posted by Black_CSR

  1. How do U Join Etuned Club.. do u have to do some Fraternity Ritual Thing.. hehe E.g. Do a Drift -SeS
  2. Cool C u Guys There -SeSaR
  3. Thanks for the Driving Tip.. Hence.. Y sometimes the Wheel will Lock up hehe Why Not just Dump the Clutch n BANG!!!! CYA.... Later -SeSaR P.S. (HI Iz32 Nice 2 Meet U.. HI 5??? hehe)
  4. Unlucky Sam5709... Isn't it suppose to Be Double Demerit.. so it should of really been 2 Demerits then hehehe No i don't have a Drift Wing.. I just Took of my Series 2 Wing.. But i do have a Big NISSAN sticker infront of my Windscreen. White EVO9 MR Was Nice.. Popping Action as we were sittin @ da Lights.. n that Blue R34 GTR "GT51R" Looked Good. Caught up infront of the Pack.. then had a 3 Way Run wif "J Tuned" n Another 32. -SeSaR
  5. Nice Cruize.. I liked it.. I Just Made it in Time @ the Start of the MeetPoint then every1 was leaving as turned off my Engine hehe Had a Few nice Runs Here n There.. -SeSaR
  6. Alright Cool I will Try again.. hehe Thankx -SeSaR
  7. Hi People's Just Wondering if you could give me some Comments, Advice, Guidance etc.. n Opinions about this Matter. Went to Drags for the 1st time.. n i wasn't really sure what to expect. So just want to know if you reckon this is a Reasonable Time that i got or if i could go faster... Car: R33 GTS-T Series 2 My Mods are 3" Turbo Back, Hybrid GT FMIC, 10 Psi Boost, 9 Puck Clutch, HKS Pod, Cusco Coilovers. Got 17" Street Tyres.. 245/45'z they Nexen N3000 Tyres. I Removed the Backseat n Spare Tyre.. n dropped the Back tyre Pressure to 28 Psi. Best i got on the night was 60' 2.302 sec 330' 6.032 660' 9.087 660' Speed 131.02 kph 1000' 11.696 Reaction Time: 0.557 Terminal Speed: 163.83 kph Elapsed Time: 13.921 Thankx
  8. Y r u Selling it?? Does this fit on StraightAway?? I have a R33 GTS-T with the Stock BOV still Installed.. Will i need an Adaptor..??? What is this Plumback thing about... Cheers.. P.S.( I'm in WA so i can Pick it Up)
  9. Yeh.. Merry Christmas to Every1... n Hope u Get lots of Pressies -SeSaR
  10. Looks like i Missed Out dang.. Nice I like it.. But where the Actual Pics where Cars r on it Cuttn it Sick Hehehe -SeSaR
  11. Damn Poor MIRX I've had some Fun Runs wif him in the Past... Wif him Settin the "PACE" hehe How did he Manage to Write off his Car???? -SeSaR
  12. Wow that is some Crazy stuff... is that the Convertible RX7?????
  13. Was a Good Cruize.. i Enjoyed. it Nice Suprise near the End.. Some Nice Bonfire going hehe
  14. I'm Coming tonite.. Watch out 4 me wif my "Big Nissan Sticker" on the front of my Windscreen. Hopefully i won't run into Any 500HP+/10 sec GTRRRRRR'z like a R32GTR wif Plate N# "D34THROW" Hi there Hoshima hehe -SeSaR
  15. Fixed Up ur Coilpack Problems????? Cool.. Nice Weather Then hehe
  16. Got a ForeCast of what the Weather will b like on the Nite?? I'll b there n Chop some more Cars hehe
  17. What kind of Gains should i expect from gettin a Dump/Front Pipe and High Flow Cat???? Assuming i already i have a Cat Back System... Response, Noise, Economy, etc...???? Cheers -SeSaR
  18. Around the Mid to High 13'z.. on average on all the Runs i did. Can't tell u exactly my 60 foot times etc.. cuz I dunno where Time Card is.
  19. Was the Gurl in the Short Skirt HOT ' heheheh
  20. NO i don't have my Time Card anymore this was a while ago.. I was runnin Nexen N3000 Tyres on 32Psi all around.., the Zero 1 Coilovers didn't have damper/stiffness Adjustment.. just the Height.. but the Front End was Lowered than the Back End.. Before i take it to the DragStrip again will prolly Get a Short Shifter n Maybe CAI... How do u guys Launch ur Car?? Do u guys let ur Clutch ride out a bit.. or just Dump it.. Mind kinda Bites hard.. so i let it ride out a bit.. or if i just Dump it.. it will Bog Down sometimes Thanks -SeSaR
  21. I'm Manual Man.. n I'm No Granny Shifter.. which explains my Wheel Spins on Gear Changes hehe Thanks Again
  22. Hi Guys... Just posting something that's concering me a little bit.. I had a Run wif a (97 Model GSR Not Sure if it's Vtec or Not..) @ Drag Strip Sometime Ago Spunned it when i dropped it on 2nd then Redlined it a little bit then dumped into into 3rd n Squeeled a little bit.. My Mods r Stock Turbo Boosted to 10Psi, Cat Back 3", Hybrid GT FMIC, Extreme 9 Puck Clutch, HKS Filter on Cusco Zero1's Coilovers & 17"z wif 245'z @ da back..(R33 GTS-T Series 2) Was Suprised He Kept up wif me.. didn't kill him like i thought i would.. just didn't think he would of kept up wif me that close.. My Question is what do u Guys reckon that Integra had Mod wise.. n what Mods do i need to leave it for dead.. hehe.. P.S. (Gettin a 3" Dump Pipe/Front Pipe in one and 3" Hi Flow Cat S/S X-Froce installed on Monday) Thanks -SeSaR
  23. Look Under Ur Car Man... See if it looks Big or not hehe... I think the Stock Dump n Front Pipe r Covered Up... sorta like a HeatShield.. When u look under ur Car.. n c the Pipe from the Cat all da way bak to the Tip is bigger compared to the Pipe after da Cat.. then it's Cat Back System Otherwise if it's all the way Through then it's a Turbo Back hehe -SeSaR
  24. Filipino hehe Respect -SeSaR
  25. Count Me in... I'm Interested
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