So effects about 1% of the population with Celiac disease
Or should we say 75% of the population who have self diagnosed themselves to be gluten intolerant lol
Oh hi!
Not sure if i have time to be the 'Actual' treasurer position. But always happy to assist in preparing the Financials for the relevant governing bodies
Happy to nominate:
President - Richo (if he has the time??) Vice President - Tony O Secretary - Robyn R
Fair enough!
When you said cash i just thought you had just been saving $$$
Have you been investing in shares on the property market?
I'd assume property as you do that for a living
How will/did you manage to accomplish this?
Say you worked at 20 to 30. 10 years.
You would have to be on an average salary of $220k p.a
So about $70k in tax, and say $50k in spending a year.
Would leave $100k in savings over 10 years
How old are you Moh?
Where do you see yourself when your 30 and what would you like to have by then?
Deep talk
anyone else in VWLC can answer this too
Honestly in highschool i had no idea. And in uni i just had a goal to have my own house and make $100k+ p.a. and thats it