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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Where ya going?
  2. In the Project/Build thread section
  3. Now we need to wait a year for Season 3, chances are i'll forget about it by then I just want to see some dragons f**k chit up yo! Haven't read a book in about 10 years and I heard it's over 1,000 pages a book. So yeah a no go for me
  4. Haha good to see another watcher. I only recently started watching and watched 2 seasons in about 2 weeks
  5. I'll give you a red smile. From ear to ear
  6. At the end of the day for an Individual Tax Return, all an accountant is doing is inputting what your already entitled to. The fee paid should not be correlated to the tax refund received. Unless the Accountant has devised some tax planning measure that was used to generate that refund. i.e. the Same work required for Joe and Jane. Joe needs to pay $500 in tax and Jane gets a refund of $500. They both should be charged the same amount for the work that has been done. Note I'm only referring to simple Individual Tax Returns
  7. And he takes 1 1/2 hours to do your tax return. Jokes brah Go to the CBD and book an hour with a Tax Manger at somewhere like Pitcher Partners or Ernest & Young, and the charge out rate would be $600-$1,000 an hour. Not that you need that, as a Graduate Accountant can prepare a simple Tax return. Just sayin
  8. Lol it's actually quite a reasonable rate compared to other high-end firms I have a cheap special wastelands charge out rate Looks like i'll be doing a few. Happy to help my brahs out
  9. Yeah just wait and see what the contract says. Be careful where you get your tax advice. If your salary sacrificing you cannot double dip and claim a tax deduction. Also in regards to the MV this > 50% thing is fairy tales. If you are using 1% of your MV for business use then you claim 1% (log book method), My charge out rate is $400/h. Give us a ride in a C63 and will call it even
  10. + 1 Post up a thread and I will rage like this with you brah
  11. On face value that arrangement does not seems tax deductible, but I'm sure its some sort of more complicated arrangement. Not to worry you still get to drive around in a Merc. Incorrect, alot of companies make employees sign agreements where the employee will be liable to pay the FBT liability. Either directly or via employee contributions.
  12. Fringe Benefits Tax brah
  13. Aaron have you looked into when you get your 'Merc', if it's you or your employer that will be liable for FBT? Some companies make the employee liable for the cost. But I'm assuming a mega-rich company like Mercedes will just pay it on behalf of its employees.
  14. Have a re-read of what you posted. If you were more coherent in your post you may have gotten a better response from the other members. Sounds like what Aaron is doing lol Do you get cheap home loan rates brah? What sort of discount do you get?
  15. What do you at NAB Hamish?
  16. I vote to keep. For the price of selling your 33 and buying a Golf R, you could buy your Mrs a nice family car and have change left over.
  17. lolwut Was this supposed to be posted here or in the SA, considering it happened in Adelaide?
  18. Yeah I agree, you wouldn't expect much difference between a NEO and non-neo at that power level
  19. Internals are also different in the NEO. Rods are GTR rods, solid lifters, n1 style oil pump off the top of my head
  20. Lol just saw this on facebook
  21. Your running an RB30 yeah Moh? What turbo have you chosen for it?
  22. That did cross my mind...
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