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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Wow $75K in HECS Whilst on the topic of Salaries. For a Grad tax Accountant its about $40k + super
  2. Fair enough! Whats the job availability and pay like for researchers? I assume not much out there Only asked because she studied something and seems to be going in a completely different direction. Possibly wasting 3 years or so of your life yo
  3. How is your Mrs's science degree related to teaching? Does she want to become a science teacher? Whats the prerequisite degree required for teaching?
  4. Free travel that day Too bad I got a monthly ticket
  5. Didn't know people still liked doing that
  6. Sounds like the boss doesn't care or is incompetent. If he wanted you to stay he would of had a meeting and put an offer on the table. So secure that interview job and go cya later Fair point. Neighbour was just going to sell in a few years, and I know a family friend that got about 40% extra on Market value as 3 neighbours sold together in Vermont South
  7. I see you Alex. Got a question What is generally the extra yield you would get in selling property if your were to coherce your neighbor to sell it at the same time? In reference to buyers who are developers
  8. Wow Simon So how are your relationships with the other employees for it to circulate back to the CEO. Whoever told the CEO must not like you mang
  9. inb4 he losses half his house
  10. Cheers! My gas bill is going to be massive this quarter due to using the ducted heating so much
  11. What did you have to do? Did you just have to call up and say hey give me a discount?
  12. Like all those pics of R8TED aye
  13. Yeah its free in Victoria
  14. Pretty sure they don't all do, correct me if im wrong They may ask for a voluntary contribution' but it isn't mandatory Isn't the attendance and the curriculum learning program free? They may ask you for other payments, but as far as I am aware they are not compulsory Pretty sure I didnt, just meant I didnt get the year end school books and stuff
  15. Yes Book keeper, yum cha accountant those can be replaced. Etax, mytax is so easy to do a tax return. Tax law, restructures, mergers.demergers, corporate takeovers etc... Good luck with that! Even a suburbian CA/CPA accountanting firm is unlikely to get that right, we see it time and time again in our industry
  16. C'mon mate what % of the population can't send there kids to public schools due to cost or transport? FYI i walked to school and didn't attend school excurions due to cost. Uniform they have 2nd hand shops, hand me down items which i did.
  17. Public schools are free to attend though?
  18. I think it all comes down to the industry your in i don't think I'll ever be worried about my job being taken over by immigrants I believe specialized, skilled jobs and where client relationships are important are at low risk
  19. I didn't know Danny was back at Springy motors?
  20. Probably no catch, unless you need to get finance through them at a higher cost Maybe we just have different view on schooling Ill just send my kid to the nearest kinder primary school, then ill send them to the best nearby public school
  21. Whats the benefit of this preschool compared to others? Considering all you learn it to nap and play with lego's at this age?
  22. Can i get some cliffs?
  23. inb4 SAU Clash of clans clan
  24. I started playing Clash of Clans p.s. Goodes is a flog
  25. Yup I changed the aftermarket muffler on the Evo X to stock to quieten it down Getting old
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