I know
But it's hard to please everyone, my friend originally planned to go to Dromana, and I hate to be the guy that says to him no thanks were going here now.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Meet point that seems convenient at this stage is Bunnings Warehouse. Cnr of Springvale Road and Cheltenham Road.
Meet time: 8:00 p.m
Departure: 8:30 p.m
Seems as thought the consensus is Dromana Beach.
Meet point that seems convenient at this stage is Bunnings Warehouse. Cnr of Springvale Road and Cheltenham Road.
Meet time: 8:00 p.m
Departure: 8:30 p.m
Would like to make it Dromana Beach, becuase that was the guy's original Idea.
But will see how it goes.
More open roads as well I would imagine, don't think the drive is too far.
As per requested:
I'm going cruising to a beach along with a few mates and gathered some interest from the SAU Boys:
When: 5 November 2011
Time: 8ish - Will confirm exact time
Meet point: TBA (Somewhere South East)
Destination: Beach Road/Dromana Beach (Will let you guys know)
Sorry about the rush of details and vagueness but this is all last minute planning
Sure is el'Presidente, weather this weekend is going to be awesome
Will make both events at lunch time. Gotta do some work first.
Unless someone is bored and wants to help a brudda out.
Saturday is 30 degrees
But at night should be nice and warm. Should be good.
By cruising I actually mean driving somewhere not cruising at 5km/h on Chapel St looking fully sik
Just my mate got his supra on the road this week. And wanted to go on a drive.
Won't find out till Saturday though because I'm waiting on another mate in his R32 GTR to see if he can take Saturday night off work.
Everybody and anyone is welcome though. The more the merrier.
Weather this weekend gonna be great!
I was more asking where are you taking the Stagea boys this weekend don't you have a cruise on?
Your a banker/Audto guy and a limo driver. Shit is full on bro