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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Girls could have a hidden agenda. They want to come and see if your secretly meeting any bishes.
  2. Gangsta name none the less Could be mistaken for someone who works for the KGB.
  3. And then the aftermath is, if someone in the group has a good bf. They will then bitch to you about why you can't be more like 'that guy'.
  4. Haven't tried But if you've washed your car the night before. Won't require that much work to get other bits of crap off after the drive.
  5. It is scientifically proven A gathering of guys will talk about their hobby's and what not A gathering of girls will bitch about their bf's
  6. Buy one of those waterless car wash spray bottles tonight. That way you can clean your car while its parked at the SnS.
  7. I have asked the missus. But she said she'll probably be bored after 15 mins
  8. Not too late mang, Would like to spend some time with the missus Sunday night and have dinner Can cruise back together if you want. no homo.
  9. I know will be there on time. I meant that if I enter the SnS will the car have to be left there till say 4pm or something. I.e if you enter SnS you can't leave till its finished.
  10. Leaving at 6:35am to meet at Wallan at 7:45am Is there are minimum leaving time if you enter the SnS? If it ain't too late in the arvo will enter even if my car looks like a bucket of sh*t.
  11. Those wastelanders are a bunch of kunts. 6th sounds better Aaron. That way I can meet your stinky wide fat ass this weekend.
  12. I did think about and did mention that, becuase I have been there and it is quite small. But the other guy wanted to and I think there won't be that many cars there at 6:30a.m on a Sunday morning. And there should only be a few of us. Plus the cars can fill up on Petrol and wash their cars there if they want. SHouldn't be busy, who wakes up that early on a Sunday morning on a semi long weekend
  13. BP Petrol Station on Warrigal Road. Just off the Monash freeway near Chadstone. 6:25-6:35am Join your fellow wastelanders.
  14. Yeah Aaron dont be ghey. So ill see you at the pre-meet Sunday. Kbye.
  15. Hey Aaron you coming to the SnS this weekend?
  16. Didn't you say you leave stinky farts? Be careful Richo. Just sayin.
  17. You'll be there rain, hail or sunshine. Because I'm looking forward to you taking me for a spin in your car
  18. For those South-eastern people who will be heading up the Monash Freeway. We plan to meet at the BP Station just off the freeway which is next to Chadstone. Place: 716 Warrigal RoadMalvern East VIC 3145 Time: 6:25 to 6:35. Departure: 6:35a.m I've been told it take 1 hour and 10mins to get to Wallan from here. So 6:35 departure will ensure we get to Wallan at 7:45 as per requested
  19. Also Fuarrkkkk! That red head guy from Beauty & the Geek is a tank. His packing some guns.
  20. Not sure if i'll enter the SnS just going up to check out the place. If your from the South-eastern I'm trying to plan a pre-meet before we drive up to Wallan and meet the others.
  21. Yeah in my brothers Evo 8MR he fits like a glove. But I feel my shoulders feel squeezed in and a little bit tight. Still his seats are a million times better than mine though.
  22. Help a brudda out Ric
  23. + 1 See if you can someone who has one and put your ass in it. Depending on your size, something that is comfortable to one person may not be to the other Not calling you fat or anything Cheers brah
  24. No problem, pretty sure I still got your mob number so will send a message. Would love too but from the outer south east quickest way there I think is via the Monash Freeway. So going to Doncaster would be going right around
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