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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Is that the round-about with a BP and Macca's on it? If so, nice long flat straight indeed....
  2. Really? That's quite gay. So if someone was having fun on a freeway in his/her Lambo, then it would essentially be a $500,000 fine. That shit is messed up. Penalty v Crime does not weight up. You'd be better off getting thrills bashing innocent people on the street.
  3. Don't think there is any sort of crushing on the 1st offence. Only on the 3rd I'm pretty sure.
  4. I thought it was 45 km/h +?
  5. Australia says 'No' to violence against men
  6. I'd lend you one if I had one
  7. Your car looks mint! Looks nice and low with a GTR front bar?
  8. Many lolz I have had benching with no spotter and getting stuck + 1 on the FD. But either way can't lose if your other option is an M3.
  9. Yeah whilst you give him the solenoid and make him a drink. I will put his car on bricks and take his wheels Yeah. Though actually better get them off Rick or John though, not sure where mine is in the garage atm.
  10. Same solenoid as the one in a R34 GT-T? I have one But I'm sure its not worth driving to the east side for
  11. Driven past any Highway patrol cars yet Aaron?
  12. Might be how they feel? I got a major defect for being too low. The lowest point of my exhaust was 5mm off the required 100mm. Had to get a RWC and spend $500 fixing shit up that other workshops reckon didn't need fixing.... Forever my car now will be a 4wd and I will not lower it...
  13. Major damn... Means you need to get a RWC yeah? that sucks balls
  14. That sucks man. Minor or major? Did you cop a fine as well?
  15. Cheers guys! Yeah when my friend was taking out all the shit to get to the sparkies he kept on saying luckily I have this tool, otherwise if you did this yourself at home it would be a bitch for you to get 'x' screw out. I get jelly when I hear my friend changes his spark plugs in his s15 in 5 mins.
  16. Cheers Bud! Yup got real lazy in changing them. These have been in for about 17,000 Km's..... I know I'll change them every 2nd oil change from here on in. Just need to be shown how to do it, which seemed easy enough.
  17. For those experts out there, just curious if the spark plugs I took out this weekend looked ok and are supposed to be this dark in colour? Normally a mechanic takes them out and I don't get to see them but this time me and my mate who is also a mechanic took them out this weekend.
  18. I will topsy turvy the M*therfker like no tomorrow. Will call the lawyers and magistrates to make sure the letters are legit. Then call the insurance company to let them know of the full story Will also call the company he works for tomororw for kicks. As the 2nd invoice shows that its a company car. Also that looks hella mexican Billy
  19. You must hate life twice as much as us than
  20. Just found out that: - Someone is taking my grandad to court for a car accident after hitting my grandad from behind. No marks from the accident so both parties agreed to do nothing. - Fast forward to today and now he wants money and is bring lawyers into it. And is also taking it to court - Funny thing is letters show $3,000 of damage to the front of his car. - Even funnier is that the 1st lawyer documents shows the other person car as a Alfa Romeo with 'x' rego then the 2nd request shows a white van with 'y' rego with $3,000 of damage. All seems sus and wouldnt be surprised if they though becuase they smashed into an old guy they will take advantage of him. Going to do some investigating tomorrow and hopefully rip the other party a new one. /csb bro
  21. I have a stock turbo
  22. Can do something else for stress relief... Jokes brah. Good work
  23. Might be a stupid question, but what does getting added as a friend on these forums do? Just getting added as a friend by people and curious what benefits/access or notifications they gain?
  24. Damn did not even know of this FB chat thingy
  25. Don't worry Birds You can be my wingman anytime. nohomo.
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