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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Dogs much better with cats if you want a companion Dogs will sit around wait for you and play with you. Cats just go outside and kill rats and eat dead birds. Here's what mine looks like
  2. Birds your customers make my brain hurt. I get enough of it from my clients/workers And not just asian, I'm Viet mang. Us Viets are crazy m**fckers. Also my gf is Cambo so she'll slit your face aka Cambo Clowns styles lol
  3. Oh cmon mang why ya'll gotta hurt my feelings like that but...
  4. Are you selling your R33 Alex? Say it ain't so
  5. Might have a shit load of mods to it. I'd be lucky to sell my GTT for anymore than 17-18K I reckon
  6. Yeah I though Jess was from the West
  7. Might have been Smarties. But M&Ms are so much better. Just sayin.
  8. Trip to St Albans to drop off some M&M's today Grant? Good weather to do so
  9. Your a badass Alvin Do you do it in style like Nicholas Cage? VX Pro Gas baby
  10. Here you borrow some of mine
  11. Nice, pretty sure my bro's 8MR gets his stuff done at Techsport too Salmon and Avocado or Chicken lettuce and mayo please
  12. Happy Birthday Jonoe! Now time to buy a car! Dezz you leave tonight to go to bangcock? How long you going for mang And Jess we just saved your friends life. You should forever be in our debt
  13. SoOoo... Are there any meets/cruises happening this Friday? Actually looks like possible late showers
  14. 25 and sunny this Friday. Yeeahhhh buddddyy!
  15. Nick what you getting done to the Ewo on Friday? Besides from sharing an ice-cream with Alvin
  16. There TE SL's like Billy stated lol
  17. Though gotta be careful with what we say done want the wasteland closed again So best we refrain from any personal insults or attacks at any forum members
  18. Also read the comments under Missy Couvas for the lulz
  19. Not sure how to FB link Does this work brah? http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150228865571413.361001.750321412&type=3#!/groups/skylinesaustralia/
  20. Anyone seen the postings SAU facebook page? Don't want to mention it here in case I get banned. Check it out. Kgo.
  21. How long you going for mang? Doesn't take me long to pack but I'm sure thats the same for most guys. Even if you forget anything can just buy in Thailand for a few dolla. Except for your passport...
  22. Yeah I was gonna say. Your house must be really big too have a big private car park like that
  23. Lol Kris. Video didn't last long
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