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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Is that why I saw your Evo taking so many people for rides at the last meet Yesterday I just took the fronts home. Give a brother a break I ain't no Dezz or Rimon. But you have over 400 killawasps man. Not sure much is gonna hold it
  2. Hey Nick carrying back my rears rotors from the city today, pick me up? In exchange can be one of your workers or model for your car for one day
  3. Lol 'was' or still is?
  4. People need to chill was just some friendly banter between Jessica and myself Didn't mean to offend anyone...
  5. 2011 Average Melbourne house price is ~$550,000 IIRC. It's just ridiculous. How's a brother supposed to eat?
  6. Does this involve clothes on or off? I must be doing it wrong Assuming your GTR and house deposit approximates $150k Please tell me the ways of saving that much cold hard cash whilst still being at school and Uni and by 20 great Obi wan kenobi? P.S Not having a go at you. Just genuinely curious. All the power to you if you did.
  7. Are you planning to be one of those lady's on today tonight with 10 investment properties? I think you and Alex should get married Can you build stuff for my house? Can provide Burritos, Doritos and salsa dipping sauce as payment
  8. ohburn Are these investment properties you guys got or are you guys living in them?
  9. I only just got my house Man I'm lagging behind everyone. foreverbehind.jpg
  10. Already got your own house and your on your P's. Must be rollin' in cash Maybe I need to marry you as a sugar daddy
  11. Did you find a sugar daddy to marry?
  12. I liked the old HSV VE back end and styling. All the new black plasticy bits on the front and rear make it look cheap. But I agree the HSV tail lights look bad ass.
  13. Alex would have to go the Ford Can't say I'm a fan of the new Series 2 VE.
  14. +1 Yesterday was my most unproductive day phone vibrating all day due wasteland FB. Shit we had young Russian blondes in our office yesterday marrying old unfit men within months of arriving in Australia that provided plenty of lulz which was very distracting
  15. Thanks for the website mang, shit looks cheap Also +1 is there a catch? Back in the day when I used to eat Chilli Tuna, John West was the the shit for Chilli Tuna.
  16. By 'new' I'm assuming you mean 'recently' purchased cuz they stopped making them in 2001/02? In anycase how was it brah? Woulda been badass..Diablo's are the shit..
  17. Alvin can make c4?
  18. You were in the armed forces Alvin? So you can beat us up by just blinking your eyes?
  19. Cheers mang, Saved me $2,000 in flights and accomodation
  20. Chilli cheese fries: Doesnt look that healthy, but I guess it depends how you make'em
  21. Hey Barbs, When you go to America at the end of the year bring me back some cheese chilli fries. kthxbye.
  22. Chilli cheese fries sounds good Sounds unhealthy but I'm assuming its healthy. Where do I get some mang?
  23. 60 cans? You going Ronnie Coleman on us?
  24. Yeahhhhh budddy!
  25. Page 1 Bishesss...
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