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Everything posted by blah_blah

  1. Hamish wants to be a skinny fat In saying that I'll be having macca's for lunch
  2. Lucky I didn't when you left lol Though I may have shook your hand just before I ate my kebab Come at me sick leave days
  3. What if Aaron organised a Mercedes Benz VIC meet up? Would the highway patrol come, break up the crowd, tell people to move on and go over the cars for defects?
  4. Good work Aaron, great kebabs even the lamb one! Good turnout Great pics Jamie Have uploaded pics to SAU VIC FB if you want to tag yourself. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.657059670987079.1073741827.310660842293632&type=1
  5. Coincidentally yes I do! Block and head is all finished. Just waiting for the crank to finish balancing then its just assembly and to put the engine in! Hopefully only a few weeks away and the engine will be running in the car! Also have received my brae manifold, turbo housing and dump pipe all HPC coated. Only a one week turnaround: All nicely packed in delivery by HPC: For those that are interested we also decided to lay the "torque plate" theory to the test as we had some spare time. We torqued the head down to 80ftb using arp head stud, flipped the block over and measured the bores. No distortion was present and the bore gauge still read 0.
  6. Maybe it was a cold/flu
  7. Maggie made me some Youll be fine, as long as you don't decide to do prinny hwy laps after Its not in Pettit's area
  8. I always pull out early brah
  9. Better pull out because I don't have the flu
  10. Spot on. Get your basic degree required for the job occupation then go job hunting. Generally, spending the time finding a job getting experience is far better than spending years getting your additional Honours/Masters/Phd degree. Unless it's a prerequisite for the job your applying for.
  11. Is that Miranda Kerr? Dem teddies
  12. Mmmm lamb! *real lamb* not mashed processed lamb
  13. Yeah i still need to get round to booking it She'll be right
  14. You can still walk to Yum Cha Sunday right? lol
  15. Get an employee pass off Pat and get a few boxes of Flakes from the Cadbury factory please
  16. I've been overseas. To Tasmania mate!
  17. - Alvin trolls angry sloot - Sloot finds out where Alvin lives - SAU misc detectives try and find sloot's address - Alvin disappears - Alvin possible dead
  18. I dont think you quite got Simons point Watch the video lol
  19. I think he needed a better daily, R35 seemed suited to his needs His weekend car I am quite jelly of though
  20. U know GC isn't on tonight right? Edit: page didnt refresh FYI ill be around the kebab area tonight, will be in a workshop in clayton 2 mins from there
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