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Everything posted by eddieneedsboost

  1. Alot of ppl recommend the gcg highflow upgrade if you want 220-250rwkw with similar spooling time to the standard turbo. no need for external gates\new manifolds\new oil & water lines which is always a plus i guess.
  2. what do you mean? they dont feel as fast as a 32 even tho they are?
  3. wow didnt know 34 gtt's were that cheap already, seems like good value paying an extra 5k over an r33 for one.
  4. haha funny story me and my mate got beatin by a mum with kids in a xr6t while we were in the r32.. ill never look at a family car the same again lol
  5. 1. From what ive read on these forums the series 2 has a quicker spooling nylon turbo, different front\bonnet\lights, maybe other things but i dont know. 2. just make sure u get it looked at by a good mechanic, get pressure tests done etc, bring someone with you maybe that knows skylines, take it for a spin make sure u like how it drives.. 3. normally boltons yeah, exhaust, aftermarket ecu, intercooler, boost controller should bring you close to 200rwkw
  6. id say thats a turbo on the floor.. lol sorry for being a smartarse
  7. how much power are you chasing?
  8. moral of that story.. dont listen to autobarn sales ppl lol
  9. wow thats impressive, is it a daily driven car? from what ive read on this forum most ppl say roughly 350rwhp is the max realiable hp figure
  10. hey guys im wanting a skyline in the near future and rekon that they look really hot in black. but all my mates tell me not to get a black car cuz its hard to maintain, shows buff marks\scratches really easy etc. just wanted to get some input from ppl that have owned black cars b4, how much effort was required to keep them looking clean\shiny cheers
  11. im in qld.. first one is called "Notice of driver licence suspension for speeding offence" and it details speed i was doing, points lost when suspension starts etc. 2nd one is called "Notice of accumulation of demerit points while on a good driving behaviour period" which also has same details as previous notice but starts at a later date. i spoke to a mate that had this happen to him a few years back and he said those notices are cumulative so yeah i have lost it for 12 months i dont blame anyone tho i knew the risks, shit happens, gives me time to save for a r33 oh yeah they didnt send out the notices until i started paying the fine.
  12. you might wanna put some pics up mate? might help with the sale.
  13. ok guys now im really confused.. got a suspension notice in the mail saying it starts on the 28th of feb, loss of licence for 6 months cuz of doing 40k over. now today i got another notice saying ive been suspended 6 months for speeding on good behaviour and its sposed to start on 8th march.. wtf!? cant have 2 going at the same time or are they gunna add em together?
  14. umm was bout a month ago, copper gave me the yellow ticket and ive started payin it off, got sent a payment plan in the mail but no infringement notice yet. i have been driving and did get pulled over for a drug search, i think the copper checked my licence on the computer but didnt say anything.. so yeah. i might just stop drivin just to be on the safe side.
  15. sorry for being a dumbass , i know that means 500hp but wat does "ps" mean?
  16. man this cars a bargain, very smart mods. if only i had the money
  17. im in qld got done 40km\h over the limit and the cop said ill get a 6 month suspension , 8 points , $700 fine. I havnt been sent anything in the mail yet tho so am i still right to drive or am i suspended already?
  18. yeah id have to agree with R31Nismoid with sayin the hi flow is the best value option.
  19. i rekon this one looks better
  20. my mates dont run a cat , they rekon its alot better without.. btw do cops carry round that thing they stick up ur exhaust that tests for emissions?
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