when i was looking for a car i took my dad lol he did all the work but main things that we looked at were:
- panel work: made sure everything matched up and was the same colour, orange peel etc
- How many km's - if it was high km's were they all city or country and genuine.
- oil leaks - wher it was leaking oil (especially around the head)
- timing belt - had it been done if it was due
- interior - hand brake, door panels and handles, steering wheel, seats esp where you get in and out, plastics etc
- colour of the exhaust
- wheel allignment and how it drove if it pulled or whatever
- pressure test (not everyone will do that) but also looked at teh radiator when running to see if there were bubbles
- tyres and where they are wearing
- the mods it had and how hard it had been thrashed...
thats about all i remember but i know there was more wed spend atleast an hour with a car looking at everything, but keeping in mind my dad is a mechanic and not alot of people would go to alot of extremes...
infact when we bought my car we went there 3 - 4 times and spent atleast 2 hours each time before i bought it...
in the end i went for a totally stock line cause it was teh cleanest even though it had 129,000kms on the clock
also another thing... MOST well Majority of people want manuals. we have auto's. autos dont really appeal that much due to the drift factor.
not sure if it helps babe but definately good luck with the sale i know how much ya want the 350!!!