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Everything posted by Disko_Tek

  1. its the magna's with the big intercoolers hanging out the front tht get me... i dont understand why they insist on trying to drag you... it does my head in
  2. LOL i agree with the size 8 clothes but really size 22... its wrong!! but the fur i cant agree i love my fur! dont right it looks good... but you do need to be careful
  3. yes thats ok for some without turbos... when you put a turbo down they all freak out at our age
  4. strich9 you need to get laid buddy...
  5. lol man we have been through this in the insurance thread lol... michael i feel ya pain... im 19 f and have an import turbo as most of us do... now mine is 1785py with my turbo time king springs pod and cat back exhaust listed. dude its hard getting insurance. i asked sgio 6k they wanted. hbf wouldnt look at me rac asked min 3k bit wanted to assess my car and wouldnt insure it for its bought value. shannons wouldnt look at me cause im 19 and a few others wouldnt either... your lucky because you dont have turbo so it cuts cost down a bit but your still 19 m which makes you a large liability in their eyes. just make sure that the people you go with allow all mods (read fine print!) are happy with what you already have and will insure for what you want it insured for... just look around and youll find the right one!! good luck dude
  6. tofu i have never seen such a detailed hate list im impressed... but a query... why victorians? they drive better than 90% of perth drivers. they know how to merge they dont pussy foot around they get in the car do what they have to do to get where they are going and all is good... Not to mention my family is from victoria. im not but my parents... otherwise im with you on all of the above
  7. my skyline is $10 more expensive than my 90 Nova Hatch to register... and transfer is based on 3% of the total sale value plus stamp duty and some other fee... insurance i can understand due to the car my age and full comp and the damage one can cause in it compared to the nova so no complaints there... regardless of what we bitch about the fuel price wont change and soon enough we will be paying $2.00p/l... it sucks but deal with it i guess... and sammie... we all warned you about this. your still at school first car is a skyline congrats but youll find out the hard way... /end rant
  8. next cruise?? or cruises??
  9. Disko_Tek


    have fun dude!!!
  10. LOL do you believe they really care? Plus alot of people work saturdays as well and lot work sundays... unlessyou work 9-5 m-f you cant win sorry dude... well let ya know how it is
  11. lol... coupes are the most roomiest to shag in... personally 4 doors i dont liek the back end on them... otherwise they are fine. cane be made to look really nice... i dont have a family so i dont see the need for 4 doors! i prefer the look of the coupes they do look sportier but they can also be a bitch when you do have people in the car andthey are tall... but hey they want a ride they deal with it... jimmah knows what i mean lol
  12. lol yeah ill probably go down for a look... wont be racing though...
  13. lol good work on the jk! i personally cant see spendingthat much money on the echo lol... but each to their own... and if you want a boost guage then buy a turbo... most chicks wouldnt even know what they are looking at except nice shiny car (apart from the ones who love cars and know what they are looking at) it just makes me laugh...
  14. the sludge would have been blocking whatever holes leaks there were and now its flushed you have unblocked everything hense the over heating. like rev said spend the extra and get it all done properly. any radiator place can do the testing for ya... call around your area.
  15. lol there ya go! save teh ramble of "shy fx's DJ equip getting wet" or some shit like that
  16. lol good call... some times you have to spell it out
  17. doesnt ahg hold those driver trtaining day things. im going to one in a couple weeks. i heard they are pretty good. all i can say from last night be careful in the wet lol... they like to snap back hard :S haha
  18. good call... then yes its down the bottom on the passenger side...
  19. mine is on my plate which is drivers side firewall at the top... which is a 95 gtst
  20. rather amusing and childish... but as much as you would love to think that was me it isnt. i have shortish black hair with a white fringe... and i dont drink... but i will say good try...
  21. lol forthose that opted not to go to MoS personally i dont really likethe music. im a DnB girl through and through but i actually enjoyed myself. there wasenough room to dance and not get pushed over or trampled... bought back a few memories when i started listening to electronic music. i guess it helped when my mate was having his birthday there we had the presidential suite and grand chancellor and everthing was paid for me and my best mate lol... had a few people come back to the hotel with us from the metro's gig. pitty about the tickets. but when you put that many high end acts together expect either over selling or someone trying to profit from people... but for a gig you wouldnt see me at normally i had fun.
  22. was looking at rims very similar actually but not black silver. looks good dude well done
  23. one - i know your face i have seen you at a few AA raves... two - you have no idea three - im with strich9 on the whole feeling 15% dumber for reading that post... they over sold the event or there were fake tickets its simple... i saw the line up at metros it was f**king huge... i was at MoS due to seeing pendulum more than enogh and seen shy fx and really couldnt be bothered with the whole "sardine effect". plus my ticket was already bought. does this look like "lavalife" where you post your pic ramble about yaself hoping to pick up? i think not...
  24. spark plugs would have been the first thing iwould have checked. pretty common
  25. its pretty common around my area to see the boys in dere magnas lol... its rather funny when they really think that they have a chance... what i dont get is people go out spend god knows what on a standard lancer magna etc... put massive kits on it 17/18" rims that are chrome usually black tints and the typical stickers displayed on the back window and think they are driving a sports car after they have just spent anywhere between 18k and 25k in total to have a riced up magna/lancer that really never sounds any good... just go out and buy a god damn sports car... seriously i dont have the rims or really many mods just basics. my car is pretty much stock and yet they still feel the need to take me on... as for a previous comment about a girl in a black series 2... just goes to show how immature she really was and you can only bet she doesnt know what she is doing... /end rant
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