ok all i have to say for this is,
i am 19 not 20 till end of november. i love skylines have for a very long time but i have had 2 shitty gemini's and ive still got my little 90 nova...
ive got a skyline now but tis stock standard. i went and had a look at one at autoscene before i found mine and it was f88kn nasty... it made my dad's jaw drop. we didnt get it cause it was way to hot for someone and really almost anyone around my age bar people that appreciate cars. (it was thrashed also and would have cost to much to fix)
just a thought for sammie and flash... i ern not a large amount a fortnight... 1200 but i got what i wanted and have realised keep it stock untill you a- learn the car b- can afford to be paying double fuel price, fines and pretty much double for tyres etc...
i got a 15k loan to get my car but that covered insurance and stamp duty and the car... i also have other loans and stuff it all totals at the end of the month around the 1500 mark per month... thats a fair bit (but i do have alot of crap lol)
i have a clean driving history bar the typical speeding fines and my insurance is 1800... someone with low driving experience or even none really shouldnt have a fast car... especially one that is modded and an import... i know there are people out there that have it such as a few i nthe forum but they appreciate their car and dont get in to going to everyone on the road hey wanna drag... there are times and places for everything...
take peoples advice and just drive a bunky or ya parents car what ever... wait till you understand how cars work(drive) before you go getting something which has the potential to be very powerful if it isnt already...
i was like you when i wanted to buy a skyline... get one thats already done that way i dont have to do it... good idea initial money wise bad idea for everthing else. the cost to run it, fix it, service it, its endless really...
i agree with people when they say their cars are an addiction once you start you cant stop... first it starts with the car then the mags then the turbo or intercooler etc... its endless and you dont get alot back...
at the end of the day its your choice but seriously think long and hard hey. go buy a bunky until you are off your p's then concider something.
too much power + light car + hot blooded teen + mates egging on = DISASTER
my rant...