very stereotypical! it's like how people fear muslims because they automatically assume they are terrorist! it's bullsh!t...... just because a small group of muslim minorities call themselves the taliban, alqaeda it doesn't mean they all are! same goes with cars, how many skylines are owned and driven everyday? and then on one unfortunate day a skyline crashes and people flip out! there is that small group of people who own performance cars and think they are in the fast and the furious, judgements on them shouldn't reflect on everyone else!
but oh wells what can you do? when a bunch of paper pushing fat asses say something like oh but opening a drag strip would just encourage it more! we will just legislate some more laws to solve this problem! like that has ever worked, when the hooning laws came in did people stop hooning? no they didn't and the same goes for defects on performance parts, people are still modding their cars! in my opinion opening a drag strip would be like drift pracs at mallala, they will still be people doing it on the street but at least it cuts down the numbers!