My car was impounded in May.
I recently got it back in mind August.
Be prepared to pay approx $500 towing fee.
And 3 dollars a day if your car is to be held at the Enfield car impound. All up my fines were $740.
The just left my car out in the open by the way so no shelter was provided,
Remove all anything valuable from your car. (My car perfume was stolen).
You were caught red handed so its highly unlikely you will get your car back until the 3 month impounding is over.
You can take it to court but the first thing you should try to do is send a letter to the Local Area Commander appealing for the release of your car. Best reason is to say that "The loss of your car has so on"
You have a very good chance in getting your car back if the car is not registered under your name, say if it is under your fathers or brothers name, you can get them to write a letter to the LAC saying that you took their car with out their consent or knowledge and lost it in the procedure and for that reason their work commitments and means of transportation has been effected "SEVERELY".
I believe it would be about 2 weeks till your court appearance from the day your car got impounded right?
Well just do what i suggested, write an appeal letter first. If that fails you can take it to court but i believe you will be wasting your money on a lost cause.
Heres what will happen to you and your car.
1. At court depeding on the Magistrate. You will be suspended from driving for 5 months and be fined $500 + $59 in court fees. Keep in mind this penalty is only if the judge is being generous. it could be much worse.
2. Fines of impound will be inbetween $750-800. Depeding on where you car is due to be held. MIne was helt at $3 a day some are $4 a day.
3. Prey that they checked your car that night for any damages with you being there whilst they checked it. Because i fyou get your car back and its damaged you can appeal for it to be repaired at their expenses. ( I hope you wrote your KMs down).
4. Be prepared for the agonising 3 month wait.
5. Cops and the law hate street racers. They envy our cars.
Funny note: One of the cops that night asked me if i could import them a skyline. True irony.