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D_I_F last won the day on May 29 2018

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About D_I_F

  • Birthday 02/10/2012

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    Eastern Suburbs
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    Too many!
  • Real Name
    DIF - NSW Club Secretary

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  1. I remember the giggle, it was almost like he was a little school boy again 🖤😌
  2. A very shock and loss for the SAU community. He was a very knowledgeable and passionate guy which a big heart to help people even if he was a grumpy old man most of the time. But I think that’s why we all loved him so much for just being himself and not caring what anyone thinks. I don’t know if I have any pictures to share, I’ll have to pull out some old drives but I vividly remember his white R33. I hope he’s living the dream where he is and my condolences goes out to Mel and their family and friends. 🖤
  3. Wow super awesome Pics & Video David! I still am yet to go through the GoPro footage. But it was definitely a blast! I would 100% say it would be better to do it at off peak times to get some more sessions in. They definitely aren't as quick as they petrol karts but they were surprisingly easy and fun to drive.
  4. Hey mate, We have had that feedback to that a few of the sessions are already booked. We will try and keep most of those sessions together as much as possible but if you want to get a few extra in by all means you can book the other slots. We will still be hanging around that particular time. 🙂
  5. Should have kept it for the nostalgia 😊
  6. We are still doing them but it’s just gotten expensive! I’m not sure if you’re still in the loop but Wakefield park has been reduced to operate only 4 days a month now due to land and environment 😑 I’m working on trying to get a motorkhana booked in which we are trying to get available dates at EC but motorsports had just become so expensive 😔
  7. Holy moley he’s back from the dead!! 😮 Congrats Paul! It looks fantastic. I do miss your black beast some days though!
  8. Oh wow! I wonder if his cousin has it atm. I really miss Nick, he was one of the nicest and most genuine people I've met in my life. Never complained and was always more worried about everyone else than himself. 😞
  9. I had an email from Iron Chef that I just deleted back from 2015 when looking at importing a R34 GTR. They were all about 40-60k. Absolutely pooping that I never bought one. 💥
  10. Man I miss these times!
  11. *coughs* SAU NSW CSV rego 😄
  12. So I'm not going crazy then lol. Well plenty of time for you to save up for mods or resto work before you can drive it. Bonus!
  13. Welcome! For some reason I always thought these were still a restricted vehicle for younger drivers (I must be getting old) None the less congrats! lol, Mine was watching Jim & Skaife win the Bathurst back in the 90's when I'd watch the races with my dad. Absolutely fell in love and always said I was going to own a GTR when I get older.
  14. Welcome! Nice car. We can definitely tell you're a fellow USA brother, not just by the name but you're pronunciation in writing is also so American like (I'm just picturing in my head the pronunciation of 'Barra' or Berra as you would say when my cousin from NJ would be saying it) 😆 This would def be a cool swap as some of the above said you'd prob have a bit of a challenge on your hand.
  15. *rings* Hello, Moeys not dodgy blue slips
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