Sure Steveo!
Guys please update your calanders, the date has now changed.
The AUTOsports crew have decided to change the date of the next Ultimate Control
We are moving it back 2 weeks from the 11th of August to the 25th of August.
The reason for this is that the NSW State Championships are on at Wakefield Park
August 11/12. Both Ben and Boz are going to be racing there. Since Ben and Boz
have been the key ingredient in our hugely successful Ultimate Control days we
don't want to run without them.
This also gives you a chance to go to Wakefield and cheer them on!.
For those who have already registered if this new date is not good for you
please reply to this email. For those who haven't signed up, better get in
there.. these are days you don't want to miss!
AUTOsports Crew