Arghh.. just as i was coming home about 10 mins ago from working on my car in kingsford i went through the main huge round about.
As i was half way through some SILLY STUPID BISH came out right infront of me didnt even look to her RIGHT!
I stopped just in time she was about 1 inch away from my car she stopped to when she just realised what happend.. but if i hadnt have stopped she would have been t-boned.. hmm maybe she should have deserved it..
Now last time i read the road book is says LOOK TO YOUR f**kING RIGHT! DID SHE DO THIS!!! NO!!!
I thought full licenced drivers had some common sense and knew how to drive!
Now if she had even left a scratch on my car i would have gotten out right there and knocked her f**king block off... i just spend 5 hours working of the damm thing and im not going to let some silly bitch make more work for me..
ARGHHH im sooo angry
Has anyone else had problems with this round about.. it seems that no one seems to look were the traffic is going..
Rant over..