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Everything posted by D_I_F

  1. Botany street.. whatever the hell it is! Hahaha.. when? you did not.. im at work.. so the car is here! hahaha..
  2. Wow.. go Fatz.. awsome how youre sticking too it!
  3. Looks like it
  4. This town is dead! *watches the tumble weeds roll past*
  5. STOP POSTING PORN! hahaha
  6. Bump
  7. Me? hahaha why dont i ever get spotted HATE YOU TURDY Spotted a black 33 on botany road kingsford last night around 7ish? I dont think it was you turdy was it?
  8. As i said HURRAH FOR JAMES! now i hope after this lil incident you will be getting some insurance????!!!
  9. OMG James.. WTF.. Shit thats so bad.. i hope they find the car and f**k those losers up.. *hugs*
  10. Helloo.. im in great need of a 32 gts-t sunroof with no rust.. mine is currently rusting and needs replacing.. Please pm me or call me on 0411 063 927 Thanks Corinne
  11. Paidddddddddddddddddddddddd...
  12. arghh soo late atho i did wish you happy b-day over msn.. *throws streamers and balloons at Mass!*
  13. how are we making the deposit.. *starts to swip credit card on the computer screen* its not working!!!
  14. hehe.. i have photos of it all it was awsome! we were very special
  15. Youre a local? Lol.. my mums been on that.. lol.. my uncle was driving and was in there for about 10 mins LOL! she was so scared.. haha
  16. You and youre damm steaks!!! oh well.. you will be having some tonight im guessing.. lol. 50% off! yumm.. im so hungry im not eating until we get there!
  17. Prob.. black 32? silly bish in a green camry (i think)? i had to stop round the corner to see if my baby was alright
  18. i'll give you FTW!
  19. Yea 5 ways.. I know.. i have never ever had a problem at that round about up until then! I know im glad i changed my brake pads LOL!
  20. Caine i would watch yourself there.. Youre starting to really piss me off..
  21. Arghh.. just as i was coming home about 10 mins ago from working on my car in kingsford i went through the main huge round about. As i was half way through some SILLY STUPID BISH came out right infront of me didnt even look to her RIGHT! I stopped just in time she was about 1 inch away from my car she stopped to when she just realised what happend.. but if i hadnt have stopped she would have been t-boned.. hmm maybe she should have deserved it.. Now last time i read the road book is says LOOK TO YOUR f**kING RIGHT! DID SHE DO THIS!!! NO!!! I thought full licenced drivers had some common sense and knew how to drive! Now if she had even left a scratch on my car i would have gotten out right there and knocked her f**king block off... i just spend 5 hours working of the damm thing and im not going to let some silly bitch make more work for me.. ARGHHH im sooo angry Has anyone else had problems with this round about.. it seems that no one seems to look were the traffic is going.. Rant over..
  22. Just spotted a gunmetal grey 32 turn off king street into johnson street mascot.. back bar was flammmeddd.. soo dirty.. haha like shauns..
  23. Just spotted then a gunmetal grey R32 GTR Just go pass on KING STREET MASCOT HOTTTTT.. meow!
  25. Dammit someone take me round
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