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Everything posted by D_I_F

  1. Ok here's my proper post. I would like to say I hope everyone enjoyed the day very much! It seemed to go a lot better having the bigger skidpans. A big thanks to National Hire in willoughby & Chubbs for the last minute cones.. Shell for organising more cones, all the bbq & food. DR-00F & ~ jay ~ for running the skidpans.. Smoky for being a very sexy nurse, Albert for helping out with first aid as well (No accidents thank god) Steveo for going out in the middle of the night and putting cones out. Nick, Rosie, Luke & Georgie for helping me with paperwork in the morning (I need to sort this out better) Adam, Ando, Chubbs, Georgie, Smoky, Steveo, Stephen & Luke and anyone else that helped out on the back track you guys did a great job, shame about the dying cb's.. Thanks to Sh@un for taking Duncans ute down to help us out. Lol to everyone at the dinner the night before I am never drinking again.. Thanks to all the guys who were taking photos which where Ian, Anthony, Craig and Matt from ignition DVD Big thanks to all the volunteers you guys are awesome. We had a lot more helpers then last year which made things run so much smoother.. Thanks for Raul for organising the meet up on the way down. I hope I didn't forget anyone here.. I hope all the entrants enjoyed the day. I hope you will come to our August event. Great to see some new members turn up we always encourage new people to come out and have a go. My photos will be up soon. Cheers, DIF
  2. Ian has fixed me up the amount. Yes, yes you do.. I know where you live Shucks
  3. haha didn't even see you there! Oh well.. I didn't think you had stuck with us on the freeway but then again I was asleep for most of it.
  4. Just want to say.. My feet frigging hurt.. I just got back from being home - airport and spend an our or so there and back home. But that's not the point of my post. I hope everyone enjoyed the day Everyone looked fantastic out there.. Will do a propper post soon when I can think
  5. Congrats mr doughnut man!
  6. haha.. Kinda..
  7. Helmet headwars?
  8. A bit of cushion for the pushin
  9. No, Apparently that is marriage
  10. I know a lot of the guys run semi's down at deca for the skidpans.. They go pretty well..
  11. No rego on mine at the moment *cough* soft.. Turbos are for homos like Ivy Funny that... Both Abo bob and myself own both bikes and cars.. we are both part of car clubs and bike clubs.. Yes they are cheaper to run.. Just because they are doesn't mean we don't have a passion for them. CBR600RR Haha I hate them! I would like to push them off their fag scooters just to see how much it would hurt without wearing all the gear. I hate people who go squid as well.. Even in the summer I will still wear all my gear.
  12. 1. pwned A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned." Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned." It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force. "Man, I rock at my job, but I still got a bad evaluation. I was pwned." Taken from www.urbandictionary.com
  13. Prostitution?
  14. Bwahahaha!!!!
  15. Haha me too.. It's a good thing, I don't have to waste much money on alcohol.
  16. You know we know where you live Nick. I think you might be out numbered here. I own a bike and you will find a lot of other guys on here do as well
  17. It's my Christmas so sush!
  18. 3 more sleeps!!!!
  19. unfortunately the discount doesn't apply because of the dry skidpans being more expensive. Price is $100 for NSW members and $130 for Non members. You can pay on the day as well as join up for membership. Ok, I will allow people to sign up on on the day. The catch will be you have to be there at 7.45am (15mins early) to fill in the paperwork and ready for scrutineering & the drivers briefing at 8.45 on the dot. (Everyone MUST attend the drivers briefing) Anyone who wants to enter on the day and turns up late will have to wait as priority are the people who have already entered all their paperwork. This year we will have the dry skidpans.
  20. No one can blame anyone but themselves when they sign the disclaimer.. That's why they sign one.
  21. I used to paint over the old ones to brighten them up.. Haha.. Mmmm Lead..
  22. Cheers, I will be check the accounts tonight and the last check will be on the Saturday morning.
  23. God damnit James stop changing it!
  24. We have already posted this one on a couple of forums.. Everyone will still have enough time for runs. We based the price on 40 people to make it cheaper for everyone. I just think unfortunately we left it a little late when we posted it.
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