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Everything posted by D_I_F

  1. It works! It happened to us coming back from a 21st we were all fancy smancy dressed to the 9's A WRX tryed to race us near leichhardt and a cop was sitting in the side street.. WRX raced off and we just potted along.. They pulled us both over booked him and got our details to if they wanted us to make a statement.. Hehe. We looked so pretty
  2. There's your problem right there. $$$ Pay up...
  3. Grose.. I'm too busy to fight.. Too busy on hold.. DAMM HOLD Man all the restaurants are booked out for next week!
  4. What good were you! You didn't even see the mistake from the start!
  5. Yea that too.. don't ask me.. I'm no where near 1.10's lol..
  6. Here's some from me. If I can do it, you can too.
  7. Obviously not if you own a silvia
  8. Good on you Dave.. We all know you silvia drivers well ex silvia drivers.. CRAZY!
  9. There's no need to worry about this kinda stuff if you don't do it on the streets..
  10. Sif you are chubbssssss.. you better be there.. or i'll cry!
  11. Pack and send.. http://www.packsend.com.au/ I also use TNT for work and they are pretty decent. http://www.tnt.com/country/en_au.html
  12. I'm pretty sure it will because the new management are the people that are resurfacing the track so they have given us that new date.
  13. Mechanic/ car importer: Powerplay Imports 9819 7555 Victoria rd Drummoyne
  14. Wakefield never should have sold.. Why are all these cockheads taking over the tracks
  15. Yep Please Pm the shop to me.
  16. I'm not a ricer you Jerk! Couldn't you tell it was me?
  17. This is why bikes are better. It costs me $13 to fill up with 98 Hiring goons to kick your butt!!
  18. Not the sau one thats for sure! I will nominate yours! Or we can sell your car to pay for it.
  20. Spotted a Gum metal grey R32 GTR no rear spoiler down at La Parouse last night don't know the time. It had standard black and yellow plates.. I was with the bunch of bikes down there!
  21. Adam why aren't you at work!
  22. Oh Hai! I need leave
  23. I read in the papers that the Maroubra station bought 2 I think to use round the beaches.
  24. I really don't think stations would be able to afford cars like these. I know a couple of them have bought bikes for easy access but I have never heard of them buying cars like the lotus. I wouldn't think they would have the budget for it.
  25. I see that one all the time. They are from the waverley station. What are you doing out this way Sam!
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