The artist formerly known as Oosh here, forgot my SAU pwd, and can't get in to my GMail account atm so I'll be Oosh2 (now with 20% more BS) for the short-term.
Anyways, I had a great day, cheers to the organisers! Andrew, my workmate in the S13 with the shitty grey paint job i dragged along, loved it to. Great introduction to local scene.
Great pics thus far, and I'll put up a couple of my own soon, but i want to bring you to the attention of what i feel is the best Skyline photo I've seen yet, period.
Skippy posted it up, this one:
Yeah 'lines in a row, pretty nice, now zoom in on the rear of 4DR R33 near right.
Then what you do is: politely ask for the hi-res version (cheers Erin), give it to your workmate who knows his way around PhotoShop a darn sight better than you do, and you end up with this.