Hey.. i read this "It seems to me that there are way too many young guys getting $18-25K loans and buying an R32 GTR and then blowing the engine up" and laughed, (points to self). Car cost me 15.5, got it for fair cheap, engine blew after 6000 km's possibly due to having r33 afm's on possibly due to boost spiking or overboosting, so currently up for 9k loan to get a nice rebuild.
So here is the template:
Car make/type/model : Nissan Skyline R3X2 gtr
Year : 1993
Overall condition of car: 1/10.. engine, 8/10 body (has a few lil scratches on the frontbar)
How is the car treated: Was babying it a bit, never revved past 7.5k, only gave it to it in corners mainly
Maintenance level: 9/10 always maintaining it am very overcautious, use redline motor oil, best of everything
Modifications: is 3 melted pistons a modification? if not then stock and a clutch/gab coilovers
Insurance: Full comprensive
Estimaged power: 0 atm.. was about 190-200 probably before hand
Estimated $ spent per year to maintain: $9000 per annum for me cos it blew up.. otherwise had a tensioner bearing go, replaced my afm's and coil packs few other things..