I know this guy reasonably well. There are few people even half his age who can drive a car fast as well as he can. I'm not condoning what he did - it was stupid. But why all the hoo-ha over this? In Lorne a few days ago, "a 62 year old man" - not "Fred Jones, a 62 year old man" - at a speed nowhere near 170kph, managed to:
not negotiate a corner
mount the footpath
drive through a group of pedestrians
drive over an embankment
and park his car on top of 2 others.
He caused injuries to several people, including 2 small children who had to be air-lifted to the Children's Hospital.
Where's the public / media outcry? Where are the comments from Brumby and Nixon on the intelligence or otherwise of the "62 year old man"?
This "62 year old man" has changed the lives of dozens of people. But it seems that this is acceptable - it seems that everyone's attitude amounts to "oh well, s**t happens".
Our "hoon" didn't hurt anyone - he simply got caught being stupid.