That's the Crank Angle Sensor (CAS), and you need to separate it from its mounting frame.
Firstly, near one of the three bolts holding it in position, make a mark of sorts (paint is best) across the joint. (you will now be able to reassemble it and not upset the ignition timing).
Disconnect the electrical plug from the CAS. Undo the 3 bolts securing the CAS to its frame and carefully withdraw it.
Install the CAS / cam cover (hope you got the retaing bolts with it!).
Reinstall the CAS - CAUTION - there is a semi-circular mating "tongue" in the CAS and the camshaft, so make sure these are going to align correctly.
Rotate the CAS until the 2 paint marks align, then install the 3 bolts and tighten.
Have I left anything out, anyone??
Would be wise not the thrash the engine, but drive it reasonably sensibly to a mechanic who knows how to set the base timing, as a precautionary measure.