The HICAS in my 32 has been acting up recently. It will randomly steer the arse end left for a second or so, then go back to normal operation.
It seems to be most likely to behave like this after cold starts. It is most likely to do it on left turns, and occasionally when travelling straight. It never seems to do it for right turns.
There is no error light showing up on the dash (and yes the globe is working). I can't seem to get the system into diagnostic mode, as per the tutorial. But I'm guessing if there is no warning light, then the diagnostics isn't likely to tell me anything.
This morning, I unplugged both boxes under the rear parcel shelf to "reset" them. It seemed to help, until on a straight bit of road the car suddenly "crabbed" left for a second, then recovered.
Nothing on the car has been changed that might contribute to the behaviour.
Anyone have a solution (excluding "fit a lock bar")?