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Everything posted by iplen

  1. The cheapest way to buy a GTR is to get a daily run around, and save up some money then park the GTR in your shed. I was 26 when I bought mine, was looking about 6 months, and wanted one since I was 12-13... when I got over the fact they beat Brocky, I bought a house first, and had a Camira, Liberty wagon (old clapper) Stagea, bought the wife a new Corolla, then when we had all that under control and I got a bit more Money bought the GTR. If you want to keep your GTR forever, get it after your house. Otherwise when it comes time for a deposit you will see $25k sitting there and know that you have to part with it.
  2. Front bar is a V-specII bar, and I would be very surprised if it has been replaced since the car was new, but with N1 vents (originals too) which is a bugger because it had a nudge on the boat and bent the bar and the reo (Hence the funny angle), so will be replaced in the respray. Side Skirts? pfft, they look heaps better than the standard no skirts.... Both the vents and skirts will go back on, along with N1 front and rear lips, because I like the look. Other than wheels what difference would you expect to see? Pretty sure if you zoomed in you would be abe to see brembos, and also the badge work, admitedly all that can be added, but the Model code and Vin Can't.. R32 will not be bone stock much longer, pair of 2860-7s on the way after blowing up the standard turbos...
  3. It would appear the video you are talking about has been removed from Youtube, it is possibly now on Porntube;) but this is the actual 8:22 run http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=179...;q=Nurburgring# and great source of similar here http://www.supercars.net/PitLane?viewThrea...&tID=102886
  4. Not knowing either of the guys, is there any way in which this community can do something for their mother/partners, maybe not in time for tomorrow but in the coming weeks, to show our gratitude for the men they helped mould? be it anything as simple as some flowers (but coming from a few hundred people this seems a little tame) to raising some money for partners to assist over the coming months, Even mow their lawns, whatever? If there is someone more in the know then count me in when the time comes, or I will see what the response is like.
  5. Lets see one of the news sites publish this: "Skylines Australia, apart from promoting OFF STREET drifting are also involved in driver training, to encourage safer more controlled driving on the street (an activity both the deceased member were repotedly active in) and several other forms of legitimate motorsport in which people with a passion get to enjoy doing what they love in a controlled environment. Further they are involved in raising many thousands of dollars each year for charities, both as a club and as individual members. While also actively discouraging members from being involved in any form of street racing, and penalising those who discuss such activities on the forums."- Please note I am not authorised to comment on behalf of SAU, but this is clearly a more accurate summary of this club. For the Media to use this tragic event to AGAIN judge and discriminate is attrocious. Lives have been lost. RIP, may where you go have a racetrack.
  6. An 1994 r32 that looks fapping spectacular with good kilometres, mods etc, there are very few cars I wish I had instead of mine. If someone wants an R32 you would be stupid not to buy this! (have not seen it in person, do not know the car)
  7. Feel your pain Chub, Pulled the Exhaust turbine out of my Cat converter the other day, which means the rally car I have not been able to run for 2 years is for sale:(
  8. Given the front number plate is not illuminated it is highly unlikely to be anything to do with number plate illumination...
  9. There was 1303 built, starting from April 1994... What is your model Code? does it have"7", "AA" or "8 AA" at the end?
  10. check this site http://www.users.on.net/~goofyhsk/info/chassis_plate.html or get onto the "Fast my vin" Topic and get one of the guys there to punch it in for you. other differences include *10mm lower suspension (apparently) *retuned Attessa (More front Bias) *Active LSD (rear diff housing is finned for cooling where as standard is not) *Slightly larger Brembos than standard "Nissan" brakes *V-specI 1453 built in 1993 (unsure exact months) *V-specII 1303 built up until Aug 1994 when R32 GTR production ceased. *ONLY difference is tyre width, wheels are even still the same width... *Stickers.. *Price... If you are going to hunt down a V-spec I or II, be prepared to spend extra for the stickers, and do yourself a favor look at it as restoration and a toy, they are fetching some money in Japland now Or do everyone else who owns one a favor and write it off to increase value of ours... this seems like a decent thing http://cars2.ebay.com.au/Nissan-Skyline-19...emZ190389906211 Hope this helps
  11. While in Sydney and travelling back to Bathurst today spotted 2 R35s, more than any other GTRs... They are getting as bad as WRXs.... 1 White grey sitting at a Tyres and more unsure of Suburb, And then a White heading towards Sydney at Meadow Flat "SC" plates, flashed and waved, was in a silver R33 GTR
  12. No idea what my 0-100 was, but went to the drags with a mate in a well modded early shape WRX (1250ishkg), he was running 12.5, I was 12.7, his lauch was hold limiter, and side step it, with semi slicks. I was holding the limiter and slipping, with exhaust, pods and boost, stock suspension and cheap road tyres, we were both getting 1.6 60ft, check this shot off the mark... This is why stock suspension is so good down the quarter..
  13. Yeah, bad description on my behalf, it is the flare nut on the right (Back) that I am struggling with, the big one in the centre will def be a socket job if it needs to come undone, so far does seem to be mainly coolant coming out of the hoses, think it might be time to break out the tin snips and cut the hose... Thanks heaps for the help, was close to cutting but thought I better ask here first...
  14. After finding an Exhaust turbine in my Cat converter I am currently removing the turbos.. Have it down to the oil lines, the prob I have is that the line that runs above the manifolds from front to back (rubber line at the front, into metal, then to the centre junction, then onto the bach of the motor) where there is a Banjo fitting into a block, the nut for the Banjo fitting is not coming loose and is very close to having a good tube spanner start to round it off. So my question is do I need to remove the block it goes into any way, and where does the other end of that line end up, because I am buggered if I can find it... I have has a look through DIYs etc, and have attempted to search, but it came up with an error, and the error was written in french...
  15. What's with all the old threads being dug up at the moment?
  16. Cheers Chef, had since discovered that through j-spec site.
  17. I find that even just taking mine down to the shop, (it is a weekender) I get home and feel like I need to tell someone about it, because it was an event, might not even get on boost, but after 10 years of wanting one, there is something special about stepping into it and going for a drive, even seeing it sitting in my shed is a thrill! If only it wasn't for the exhaust turbine I fished out of my Cat converter 1 week ago I would go for a spin now...
  18. I know, 2 pretty different vehicles.. I had a Stag S1 before the GTR, and loved it, but I do now have a performance car, so i don't "need" a fast daily... However the Stag was great fun to own "hey man why do you drive a Volvo Station wagon?... Holy $#!t this is quick!!!" At least the M35 would be able to kind of go places that a regular car cannot as well... Which brings me to the Surf.. I used to hate Toyotas, then I worked at a dealership, and they are just so well built. If I was getting a Surf it would be a 3 litre manual, which all but rules out the lack of grunt and overheating issues (AFAIK- Happy to listen to advice other wise) Obviously I lose the go that the Stag has, but a lot more practical, used to have a Patrol and love getting out bush. So: Are Surfs still able to be imported? Anyone here had much experience with them- How did you find them?
  19. Too hard to find and copy from my phone.... But I would like to register my face palm now at at least 50% of the responses here. R36, well either they will stop producing GTRs, or they will release an R36, because that is the way it works. R36 being crazy money, why? Based on that the R32 would have been about $10 brand new.. Cannot think of a single car that has increased in price by more that a couple of thousand with release of a new model. Affordable skylines... GTR isn't a Skyline, and for many people is affordable (wish I was one of them). Likewise if you look at pricing of V35/36 skylines, they are pretty good value. As for the 2 chassis looking the same, what chassis? How much time have you spent under each car comparing to say they look identical? The GTR has Alloy strut towers etc do the Zs have this? Going to have my Coffee, sorry for the rant,
  20. I have been running 20psi for about a year, and the back turbo has just let go, (most of the turbine is in the Cat..) and it would appear they were actually stock ceramic turbos... (Was running 20psi when it came from Jap, so figured they had to be steel) but it does seem that 20psi is a lot for standard motor, will be aiming to run less with the new turbos
  21. Item found, thanks for all the replies!
  22. As per subject, after the stock item, good cond for r32,
  23. Don't suppose you have a spare y-pipe, eg from the turbos to the intercooler hose?
  24. Any chance you have the standard "Twin turbo" pipe, the one running forward from the turbos?
  25. As per the Topic, have an R32 that gets to boost, goes smokey (not willing to try too many times, but appears to be fuel smoke) as all Buggery, whistles a heap, and creates no power. First Panic reaction was a Turbo seal etc, but there is not any white/blue smoke, and it is only on boost the prob arises. Second conclusion, Split in a boost line, have inspected them all and the seem ok, obviously a bit hard to do with it on boost, and do not have access to a Dyno just now, and I want my car back... Still investigating this, we have had the car running and sprayed Aero start around the I/C hosing to see if there is any audible change in note, and I am currently pulling it all off as there was nothing jumped out at us. So, my question.. Is there a way to test Wastegates if I get them off the car, the theory being that perhaps there is an issue with the diaphram and boost is escaping that way? Or does anyone have any other suggestions? any tips much appreciated.
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