Well I have had the car for a bit over a month now. Done 5000 of my own K's in it. It had just clocked over 10K when I bought it. I am still amazed that every time I look at it I think it is the coolest car on earth, I normally get bored pretty quickly. I think the anticipation of owning the vehicle is what normally sucks me in. Some general observations....
The paint sux, I hate it being black its is even worse but the slightest thing will scratch the paint. I am already having to take it in for a $1000 paint rejuvination which is a glorified detail.
I catch myself driving like a grandma. I realised pretty quickly that I am going to loose my liscence in this car due to how quick and linear it climbs up the speedo. Besides that, over the first week I decided I would take anyone on at the lights, as you do. I learnt that it doesnt matter what they are driving there is no real point in bothering to drag them as they have NO chance of keeping up. This has staggered me as I thought the 317KW HSV GTS was a quick car. But at the lights it may as well be a VB-VC commo.
I need to tint my windows. I am now embarassed by the amount of people that stop and stare at the car. Taking pics, asking question even drawing a small crowd. I had police officers giving me the thumbs up, I have had people bowing down to the car on the side of the road on Chapel Street. I was a bit ego inflating at first but am very over it now.
It is a true everyday supercar. You can drive it at any speed and it just cruises. Taking the kids to school, baby seat in the back. You can't do that in a Porsche. Even the wife takes it to go shopping when it is the last in the driveway. Then when you kick it into race mode it changes into a beast from the depths of hell.
All the creature comforts of a Euro luxury car, only just found the seat heater button last weekend and someone had to point it out to me. Alot of stuff to work through if you are inclined or just get it and punch it if needed.
It does have some noice comming from the gearbox, a few clunk de clunks every now and then but to be honest its not all that often and when I think about how smooth and nice it is to drive I just dont care about the noises every so often. As I am told they are hand built and the trans is mated to the engine, maybe I just got a quiet one as it is not bad at all.
Reverse sensors or camera would have been nice. Also I still havent worked out how to import the numbers from my iphone via blue tooth.
When the seats are folded forward they really should automatically slide forward as well like most other 2 doors cars, it is annoying to have to move the button on the side of the seat. Although it is cool that the passenger seat has a secondary button that the driver can get to on the other side of the seat.
Secret compartment under the passenger floor mat. That's cool but I am missing the jack?
Can't change the tyre pressue guage to PSI, that sux, but I dont look at it much.
Back seats are pretty good, an adult can sit in it with their feet on the floor, it is a squash but definately not impossible.
It is low but I am not hitting the front bar on the ground when going up driveways, that has surprised me as I thought I would be scratching the crap out of it on a regular basis.
Whats with the dodgy rear view mirror, I have the same one in my 1978 Falcon. What happened to a compas, automatic dimmer or garage door opener.
The sunglasses holder on the roof is usable. Finally a Nissan with one that will fit something other than sunnies for a 2yo.
Cooler interior lighting would have been good, some LED's etc.
That's about all I can be bothered typing at the moment. I can only pick the smallest things that are wrong with the car, there is nothing besides the paint that I think is any type of an issue and I think that I will have that sorted shortly anyway. Is it worth the money? HELL YEAH worth every cent. I appluad you other 35 owners as I am sure you are having as much fun with your car as I am. If only there were a few more on the road so that we could catch up.